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What is the role of hr in an organization?and what is importance in an organization?

Question added by ishrat fatima kharral , data entry officer , institute of commerce and business administration
Date Posted: 2014/02/21
by SYED BADRUDDUZA , Hydrographic Consultant , Shellhorn, Germany/ KS Consultant Bangladesh

HR improves the company's bottom line with its knowledge of how human capital affects organizational success. Leaders with expertise in HR strategic management participate in corporate decision-making that underlies currRole Human Resource Manager's ent staffing assessments and projections for future workforce needs based on business demand.

Real Human Resource Manager's Role can help Organization in the Following way:

 It can  can reduce the company’s costs associated with turnover, attrition and hiring replacement workers. They are important to the organization because they have the skills and expertise necessary to negotiate group benefit packages for employees, within the organization's budget and consistent with economic conditions. They also are familiar with employee benefits most likely to attract and retain workers. This can reduce the company’s costs associated with turnover, attrition and hiring replacement workers.

It also achieve high performance, morale and satisfaction levels throughout the workforce, by creating ways to strengthen the employer-employee relationship. They administer employee opinion surveys, conduct focus groups and seek employee input regarding job satisfaction and ways the employer can sustain good working relationships.

Srivathsan Mudumbai
by Srivathsan Mudumbai , Vice President HR , Virtusa Polaris

HR role over the years has trnasformed from a complaince and labour relations to a role of a business aligned partner, People Champion, Change Agent and Intellectual (Employee) Asset Portfolio Manager.

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