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Why every people want to work as oversees and why do they like other countries than their countries?

Please do not forget to send me your answer / suggestions. Thank you!

Question added by M. Khalid Shaikh , Computer Lab Incharge , Sindh Development Studies Centre, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. 76080.
Date Posted: 2013/09/18
abdelrahman tawfik
by abdelrahman tawfik , pharmacist , ahl el madinah pharmacy

i think they want to work as oversees just to be more satisfied with less effort by only judging people and evaluate their work they forgot that the golden rule that the leader is the most person do effort to lead his team to achieve their goals ............ about working in other countries simply if my country give me what i need i will not think to go to any other countries every  one is a bussiness man in his field and bussiness = time+money any time plus money is good for him in any county is useful for him

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