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Do you think media has a powerful influence on society or it's just another source of information?

Question added by Fida Abo Alrob , Sr. Copywriter , Imena Digital
Date Posted: 2014/08/31
Motaz Farah
by Motaz Farah , General and production manager , Digital color for gifts and services

Yes It is the most powerful tool that affecting on Society if you means by word Media is (Internet) as your question indicating to it.

Before10-15 years we used to say word media as Mass Communication (esp. television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet), but now a days It is only for Internet.

Just look to Communication Definition to know How much it effect us. (as few people knew it).

Communication Definition : Some one say something to somebody through Media to convey message.


and the Fastest tool in communication always Lead and Effect us.



Khatim Abbas Seed
by Khatim Abbas Seed , BUSINESS CONSULTANT , Google

Effect on society

I believe that social media's effect on society, is pretty much comparable to the effects the invention of the telegram, the telephone & the mobile phone had on society. The first two were created to communicate words through (decoded) sound, that cannot be traced back unless recorded, while social media can communicate a whole image & a whole life time in a personal diary format, while allowing the disguise, deletion, adaptation or transformation of what we conceive as real or unreal image.


Social media allowed every common man/woman to become a self-promoting, self-shaping entity in world without any borders. I can reach millions of people in a split of a second with my message, simultaneously, as if they were sitting on an ever-exapanding, resizable, round table with me with muted voices, each carrying boards stating what they say, what they like today and liked yesterday and how they looked like3 years ago and who they're connected to (who sit the next round table)!


This used to be science fiction, when I was10 years old! The only reason why social media is not often quoted in one line with the telegram & the telephone is the enormous fast-paced development of internet and technology in the last25 years compared to the last100 years, and also the disproportionately great leap-forward the world has made in the last100 years compared to may be the last1000 years of human civilization!


Whenever I login to my computer first thing in the morning to check my e-mail (even without logging into social media sites), I can't but wonder how the world could be without it. But e-mail was only the first primitive form of social media.


Effect on marketing

Social Media created the ultimate “reality version” of what was viewed as a “fairy tale world” to the marketing industry, where (potential) customers are no longer fragmented & difficult to reach or to define, but rather gathered, connected & organized happily & voluntarily, in one place (like Facebook, a specific Facebook group or a country-category) to receive the marketing initiatives of businesses and organizations, while members (again, voluntarily) share & contribute their own “user-generated content“, either providing insights for research analysts, facilitating profile-targeting advertising techniques or spreading the word among their virtual social network members (who are often members of real-life social networks too).


Yes.  Media is a powerful player and influence the society at large, especially for Marketing of FMCG. 

Muhammad Noman
by Muhammad Noman , SAP S4H FI Trainee , Excellence Delivered Pvt Ltd

obviously YES but i always suggest that he must spread the message in positive way.

Not in a illegal way

Muhammad Adeel
by Muhammad Adeel , Sales And Marketing Executive , TANZEEM HEAVY EQUIPMENT RENTAL LLC

Media is a unique feature of modern society, its development has accompanied an increase in the magnitude and complexity of societal actions and engagements, rapid social change, technological innovation, rising personal income and standard of life and the decline of some traditional forms of control and authority.


Yes Media has a powerful influence on society for both guiding and misguiding too. The Media should be transparant and clear while projecting the facts and information

georgei assi
by georgei assi , مدير حسابات , المجموعة السورية

There is a close link between the evolution of media and social change, although the degree of such a link and destination Tzalan what the subject of ongoing debate in the wake of many years of research and studies related to the effect of the media.


It should be noted that many of the results, good and bad on both sides that have been associated with the media,, attributed, in fact, to other trends and tendencies within the community.


The question of the influence of the media on society and the structure of cultural interest a lot of prominent theorists, dialogue and share also those associated with the media in some way. Two do not differ on the influence of the media, is that such an effect is caused by different formats and accurate.


The impact on society and individuals


Jane Root suggests in her book is marked by a statement which aims to that enjoyed by the media and the impact of potential, says Jane Root: (to the media's role in determining the way we think ... it is working to give a detailed picture of ourselves). If we are to the extent of influence of the media, we show that characterize such an impact that we identify and according to our understanding and relationship with the community and overall impact.


And looks at the media today as an important monument in the community is associated with, in most cases, the concept of social impact. The community understands this idea or concept as influential media (external power) linked to the activity profile of the recipient or his point of view


The forces of influence, which is described as a major force in the context of media effects, are those forces that are seen as circumstantial and directed and which can be put in the context of what or what model (such uses and sources of pleasure

Ahmed Fadl
by Ahmed Fadl , Media & Digital marketing , Zimmo Trading Company

The media have a big impact on the community and can change direction, and the impact on sales volume by increasing demand, the company that succeeded in focus in the media, advertising succeed in controlling the market, a lot of people fully trust in the media.

Mazhar Azeem
by Mazhar Azeem , Manager , M.A Raja & Sons (private) Ltd

The deceision is depend on the facts that are you going to to stand with right or wrong. It is quite right that madia influnce on our every aspacts of life, becouse our life is so busy and every body is relay on the socail media. But in tgease days most of the news are just bogas, and make to increase their rank. So madia should be transprant and take a responsiblity on it to show the what is truth.

wasiq waheed
by wasiq waheed , FRONT OFFICE SUPERVISOR(Looking for a New challenging position In U.A.E) , SHELTON HOTEL

I  think Media has a great influence on society . It's a great tool to use for news and the transfer of information, and obviously great for being social with friends and others. And I do think that it's really grown into a marketing tool for companies. Like on Facebook, you can see ads along the sides and during games, and companies can direct ads specifically based on what you post

peter solomon
by peter solomon , Director - Media Services , Grant McCann Erickson

Media makes and breaks perceptions, brand images and also mould social opinions and concerns. Unfortunately or fortunately this will be driven more aggressively through media due to free flow of contents across mediums..

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