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WHAT is the best way to teach conversations to the students?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Ahmed Abu Zaid , معلم اول , وزارة التربية ولتعليم القطاع الحكومي
تاريخ النشر: 2014/02/08
Ahmed Gendy
من قبل Ahmed Gendy , English Senior Inspector , Ministry of Education (MoE)

I thought of simple dialogues , fluency and role play but I have found the following on one of the sites and I think it is interesting.

  • Focus on communication and fluency, not correctness
  • Student directed: student choice of topics
  • Small group/pair work

    Conversation occurs in small, not large groups. 


    Encourage students to rotate partners

    Teach students strategies

    Too often conversations even between native speakers fall flat because the participants don’t know conversation strategies.


    Teach vocabulary

    It seems elementary, but it is often forgotten that students may not be participating because they simply don’t have the vocabulary to enter a specific conversation

    Teach both formal and informal conversation skills

    There are specific strategies for entering, extending, and ending conversations both formally and informally

  • Grade on degree of participation and understanding of conversation. Assess informally.

    Because the focus of instruction, and of conversation itself, is on communicating meaning rather than on correctness, students should be assessed mostly informally

  • http://busyteacher.org/14409-how-to-teach-conversational-english-best-practices.html

For conversation: teacher must be used only English in dialogue with the students, and that the language of dialogue simplified and easy, as well as for the use of daily Roller to hear the language, and invite students to watch movies or news or programs of the English language. In addition to focus on the rules and write the correct application examples and repeated them through talks

Arivalagan PVP
من قبل Arivalagan PVP , Teacher , Iken Child Skill Development Center

Good question. The best way to teach conversations is providing the situations and opportunities to the students. Let them to prepare the dialogues on their own for the given situation under the teacher's guidance. Reading, Listening to an audio a better option to develop this skill.

Talk to them, engage them in conversation, encourage conversations amongst the students with you giving them them the "lead" if necessary. Practice makes perfect!

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