Discussions Populaires Dans la Communauté 3GPP


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هاشم المشارقة's image
La question a été ajoutée par هاشم المشارقة Key Account Manager Advanced United Systems Ltd. ( A member of Taj Holding Group)
Depuis 10 années
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La réponse doit contenir un minimum de 25 caractères.
Ahmad Alasad's image  
La répondre a été ajoutée par  Ahmad Alasad, Senior Engineer- Research and Development dept., Waseela integrated Solutions
Depuis 10 années

3GPP is a standardization committee created by a group of Telecommunication associations, originally created to support a global deployment of3G networks. but later it be ... Voir Plus

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Greg Chapman's image  
La répondre a été ajoutée par  Greg Chapman, Customer Services Engineer, Tektronix Australia PTY LTD
Depuis 7 années

3GPP is a standardization committee that came into being addressing standards for the release, and future updated releases of these standards. There were other standards ... Voir Plus

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