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How do you handle a non-stop talking customer?

Question ajoutée par Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh , Sales & Business Consultant and Trainer , Self-employed
Date de publication: 2014/12/20
par AVIGAIL GREGORIO , Relationship Officer , Mashreq Bank

Sometimes customers talks the same thing over and over again because they think their concerns is not properly conveyed. Listen closely and ask prompt questions, try to decipher what the customer wants to put on emphasis. Be precise and direct to the point in answering questions too. respond should be very minimal express your limitations by asking closed questions.

padmakumar pathiyil
par padmakumar pathiyil , Marketing Consultant , Management Consultancy

Some times talkative customers give more information required by a sale person to understand his needs. which is helpful to decide what to offer but at the same time a talkative customer also wastes time of the sales person. This is a problem area. In my experience they are highly disturbing the productivity of a sales person. You need to subtly get out of this situation with out hurting the customer. One of the ways I used to adopt is to tell them that I have another urgent and important work within the next half an hour and kindly ask the customer to excuse me for unable to enjoy his company.


Over talkative customers take up a lot of handling time and may reduce the quality of serve to other customers.  But it depend upon the problem he is raising and if it is connected to the business, convert the open ended discussion to exactly to the point by asking clever direct questions on the subject, gently without a hurry, in the mean time seek the help of  a person and clearly instruct............

(psychologically he knows the reason why you made a call--so that he can manage the over talkative person  a little bit restricted with talks  indulging in other engagements)

...............him to take care of the person and a quick service to make him happy. By the time you end up the conversation in a concluding nature with your own engagements. Keep the circumstances in such a way as to create an impression that some busy urgent work is going on.

Raed Alghazo
par Raed Alghazo , Sales Manager , ARKAN INSURANCE BROKERS

Use your skills in communication relating to good listening and listening to him to the end, then took over the reins from him talking to display the product and the completion of the deal. When you listen to him saturation desire to speak and feel worthwhile then you can earn affection and therefore uses modern management skill between you and an end to the situation to your advantage.


Listen with keen interest, pick some key points and analyse properly, because very complain is an information which can be vital and useful for improvement if properly analyse.

Irina Chepel
par Irina Chepel , Personal trainer , Freelancer

More he talks, more information you get. But empty talk is useless of course. You must use your communication skills to put the conversation in a right way.

Sidvin Shetty
par Sidvin Shetty , Trade Marketing Executive , Al Khayyat Investments

'Customer is King' ...Will treat like every other customer & listen to

Some will be quiet & other's are very expressive. It's good that the customer feels Open with 'You' thus tries to Express it.

Some face language barrier thus end up 'Explaining widely assuming that they are making us more clear of what they are looking at (What they want to buy)'....Other's try to be friendly that's it... 

Any area of business: It's not just sales or marketing or exports or imports but overall it is 'Relationship Management' & building relations.... Sometimes customer's will be doing just that. 

That's why there is a saying in business terms : "Listen More, Speak less" :-)

1) Remain focused2) Active listening3) Ask to the point questions4) Be honest but not offending

Umerah Grace Olalo
par Umerah Grace Olalo , Administrative / Accounts Assistant , Everdigm Heavy Equipment and Machinery Trading LLC

It depends on what the customer is talking, if its just some story or the customer is happy, then we don't have to do much, smile and time to time replying just to show that we are listening will do fine. 

But if a customer has an issue, and they start talking continuously, they need a serious attention. What I usually do/used to do is look at them eye to eye, (if the customer is present/ not over the phone),let them feel that I am with them listening carefully showing that I am sympathizing with them, (give a sincere apology for the inconvenience, I remember saying "I am really sorry for what happened)"). it is important to let them finish, or I may interrupt if I see its a good timing, then finally I assure them that I will try my very best to help resolve the issue as soon as possible, or on that time itself, if the problem can be solved.  

Dattaram Rahate
par Dattaram Rahate , Agent , Star Health

Non-stop talking customer will not talk unless you have listening and answering talent. As to my experience:: handling this customer in good way you get advantages of closing sales, referrals,bias and good knowledge. I will always handle more than my personal care because they are my future. Talking customer do not need to stop them, they understand where they want to stop them because you are good listener and according to him you are good sales representative. 

Alex Al Yazouri
par Alex Al Yazouri , General Manager , Al Mushref Cooperative Society

Politely interrupt with a question. The question should direct the customer to the subject that you want to explore. When you ask a question, you direct the customer's thinking, interrupt his train of thought, and move him to think and then respond to your direction.

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