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What is the best to do about children's bedwetting?

Question added by Fida Abo Alrob , Sr. Copywriter , Imena Digital
Date Posted: 2014/03/13

Madam stones in question has a very extravaganza gets much with the families and brought the answer from a scientific reference as follows :This treatment does not depend on the use of drugs or medication is best to start this way .Behavioral therapy is divided into :1 . Treatment of encouragement :This method relies on the use of a daily note to calculate the days where the child during the night and Java Tavalzlk and rewarded in this way is important not to use the constant blame and reprimand the child.2 . Behavioral therapy cop :In this method uses a bell alert this bell will be installed in arranged a private bedroom and sold these mattresses in stores pharmacy so happens alert for the child once you start to urinate this alert can be either through the bell or by vibration and in this way overlooked the child and gradually learn to urinate . This method be successful if used with the first method is to use a daily note prefer to use this method for children after the age of seven .3 . Exercise of the child during the period of day :To control urination for a long time and it is through the organization of times going to the bathroom .In general, behavioral roads need to be patient and over time for example behavioral therapy cop needs to be a period of four weeks , at least for the emergence of the outcome. Treatment by drugs :If the child is older than seven years and did not succeed with behavioral therapy can help the child to the doctor and the family as medical treatment, but medical treatment is not Hlasharia once treatment is discontinued for this phenomenon can occur . Medical treatment is divided into two types of drugs is the first drug given to the child in the evening and the second type is a nasal spray used by the child once a day in the evening as well. How parents can raise the morale of the child ?Problem cause involuntary urination at night often in creating behavioral psychological problems in children because of the child's sense of guilt and embarrassment .It is better to share the child in solving this problem by discussing them and encourage ways behavioral earlier , but this does not mean that rebukes the child strongly to the problem Tattabrforeigh his control. It is also important to understand that this problem is often hereditary and may result in the passage of time. Some behaviors beneficial :1 . Train the child to go to the bathroom before going to sleep .2 . Not use the nappy .3 . Make sure the baby shower Bbahaqubl go to school .4 . Cover the baby's crib sheets moisture absorbent easy washing and protective sealant .5 . Alhaddmn the use of soft drinks , coffee and tea in the evening . Parents can help from your doctor in the following cases :1 . When this situation will continue after the age of seven .2 . Continued bedwetting even in the daytime .3 . Back to bedwetting after stopping for more than a year .In the end, effective cooperation between the family and the doctor as possible to accelerate the process of treatment.

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