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What is the best way to manage a regular writing habit?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2016/08/08
Angela Ramirez
by Angela Ramirez , Content Designer , MCC Training and Events FZE

Be committed to developing your writing skills - this is the best way to manage a regular writing habit. If you have decided to write a 150-word essay every day, make sure that you do it. Do not make excuses. It may be difficult at first, but once you get into the discipline, you will find yourself loving writing more, making it easier for you to devote time to it. 

samiya guadi
by samiya guadi , Teacher , University

The best way to manage a regular writing habit is through following so many steps. Among them:

  1. Write at every time.
  2. Take and get your inspiration environment,and write there for example by sitting in natural place, or calm one. Because this lead your ideas flow smothly.
  3. Take notes at each time when comes to you an idea then organize them
  4. Read other writing to take these writers as model
  5. Enlarge your vocabulary, try to learn new concepts and apply them in your writings.
  6. You have to get the habit of your writing,and try to be accustemed to writing.
  7. Try to make writing as important thing like eating.

Amr El Sayed
by Amr El Sayed , Content Marketing Specialist , Freelancer

Firstly, for me writing is not a habit. It is a business. 

So, you have to choose between both: Habit or Business? 

If it's just a habit, I recommend to read more that writing and writing more than waiting. Write what you feel and publish it on any platform of Social Media. If you can write an attractive novel, do it and publish your production with any publishing house. 


If it's a business, you have to know more about web content writing. 

Where can I find my clients? 

What they (exactly) want? 

How can I satisfy their needs? 

How to get payments (important)?

.......... and so on. 

neha manghnani
by neha manghnani , Content writer , Wittyfeed

Social media has granted us the power to stay in touch with knowledge at all times. This means that we are constantly reading stuff and are aware of current issues. Whatever goes around us, does put an impact in our lives. These things are thought provoking. Hence, if you firmly believe in what your opinions are about a certain issue, you MUST write that down. Be it a blog or a journal. This way you won't get bored and will also feel powerful and smarter. And yeah, your daily task of writing will be accomplished without much of an effort.

Thank you for the invitation ...... I agree answer Miss samiya guadi.

Heba Fadel
by Heba Fadel , Copywriter , LIBANCALL S.A.L

Well obviously, you need to allocate time for it. Write on a daily basis, no matter how busy your schedule is. It doesn't have to be on a piece of paper, you can use your cellphone or laptop whenever you are out. I know it might seem exaggerated, but in fact it's not. Think of it this way, you can take advantage of every situation you are in to describe scenery, your emotions, your thoughts, or whatever grabs your attention at that particular moment. Let your feelings guide you. Don't think too much, you'll get the hang of it with time and practice. The more you are sincere when writing, the more you'll love your work and you'll eventually find yourself committed to it as a regular habit. 

Intisar Ul Hassan
by Intisar Ul Hassan , Process Engineer , Masood Textile Mill

Writing always has a role in your profession and career. If you are are goood in writing it will definitely have a good impact. So every person should write something each day.

If you are a student then there is no problem, you have to write each day.

But if you are a professional

then try to write diary (if possible),

try to write the events/situations you have faced

try to write descriptions about things, places etc.

and at the end try to write positive because a positive thinking has a big role in character building.

Just connectes it in your mind with joy, and give it more love


Thanks for invetation 


Aleksandra Darwazeh
by Aleksandra Darwazeh , Web Project Manager , Branders Pro Web Design & Development Agency

There’s no best way of managing your writing. You simply need to figure out what works for you. Your only helpers are discipline and consistency. As banal as it sounds, it is still true. First of all, decide how often you are going to practise writing and stick to it no matter what. Think of this time as the most important event during the day. After each session, cross out the day in the calendar to monitor your progress. This string of crosses will make you proud of yourself when you see how far you’ve gone. Don’t forget about your ‘working zone’: make this place in your house or flat comfortable and pleasant to be in. Additionally, you could also reward yourself with some nice food, movie, or whatever you like when you have reached your goal or achieved result that you want. Moreover, it’s a good idea to get your writing public: taking online courses in the subject that interests you or you write about is a great way of enhancing your vocabulary as well as learning some new information while you post comments and participate in discussions. However, all of the above will not be helpful if the main motivation is not present, which is the love for writing.

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