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The Customer service person does not understand client language. How the language effect on customer services?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2016/06/23
حفصة المستظرف
by حفصة المستظرف , سكرتيرة , مكتب محاماة : المحامية :خذيجة فاروق

Thanks Mr Moin for invitation

All over the world we must consider the language preferred the customer and respected. the official language in the world is English.

But we must consider that the peoples of some european countries do not speak this mixture, for example, in Spain, in Germany.

Generally an employee of the service must be proficient in a number of languages to communicate with the customer and then convince him to buy the service and strengthen the relationship between customer and the service to succeed the service and the company succeed

Heavenly J John
by Heavenly J John , Head of the Dealership Operation , Automobile Company

Very Much will affect. For trust building, language plays a vital role. Customer Service Person, should be fluent in local language where he/she serves, apart from English.

by Nadjib RABAHI , Freelancer , My own account

The language affects much the customer service, the customer service person must at least speak and master an international language such as English.

The term  "communication" implies a flow both ways, in which part receives the information and reacts to it, either immediately or after a certain timeout.

The communication is an exchange of meaningful messages between a person and his interlocutor. 

This is why the ability to communicate is one of the essential qualities of the customer service person.

If the client speaks a language that  the customer service person do not understand, they can not communicate and therefore the customer service person :

  •  Can not speak clearly
  •  Can not understand the content and intent of the customer,
  •  Can not determine its needs and mobile and offer him a quality service
  •  Can not build a relationship of trust with the customer
  •  Can not know the customer's problem and find a solution
  •  Can not guide the customer
  •  Can not inform him
  •  Can not explain to the customer

Also, it is imperative that the customer service person mastere at least two languages ​​including an international language.


by SHAHEEN khan , Cro/Cso Cutomer Services Officer/Customer Relationships Officer , COMRADE SOFTWARE MARKETING LLC

Thanks for invitation 

communication is most powerful tool to understand customer need without communication we can miss out so many this reason so many comapany haired native speaker emplyess to provide better quality servies.

employee of the service must be proficient in a number of languages to communicate with the customer and then convince him to buy the service 

Emmanuel Wamweta
by Emmanuel Wamweta , production supervisor , Tembo Steel Rolling

Communication is one of the most crucial & important disciplines or aspects in business & relationships. If you can't effectively & efficiently, then you are most likely to experience continuous problems where you or in whatever you do and also miss out on several opportunities. It is upon the management of a company to ensure that it equips service providers with the necessary & relevant skills & knowlege for them to deliver the best performance. It should put into consideration which target audiences its working with in terms of linguistics, so that it can match their needs & expectations. If a company is multinational, the company must employee people from several ethnicities to cope up with the pace of the dynamic global village.

Thanx for the invitation

Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani
by Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani , Snr. HR & Finance Officer , Sarri Zawetta Company


Yes, it does ... totally agree with the answer given by Mr. John and Mrs. Hafsa

mohammed negm
by mohammed negm , مدير مبيعات , مؤسسة أطياف لتجارة المواد الغذائية

 Thanks for the invitation, I  agree with all answers

Vaqar Ali Sayyed
by Vaqar Ali Sayyed , AutoCad Opertator , Carlo Gavaazzi Arabia Co. Ltd.

I agree with the answers of experts.

Miss. Shaheen Khan answer i like it

danish shafiq
by danish shafiq , Accountant , Anayat Fan

agree with the answers of experts.

Adam Ahmed
by Adam Ahmed , IT & Web Developer , Freelance

Basm allah alrahman alrahim


I think most of us don't know more than 5 languages ( native , English , French , hindi and arabic ) , the more language you learn the more knowledge you get , for customer services they may make teams ( for example if I am algerians and my friend is egyption , hindi  , this mean we are 4 language speakers , if the customer speak a language I can't speak I will understand some of its words and I may switch him very fast to my right language speaker friend , after I tell the customer to wait for just a secand with his language , you can remmber 3 or 4 words from the four languages like in freanch s'il vous plaît attendez une minute)


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