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Do you think that marketing and sales personnel must have the courage and experience all that is new?

Question added by hatem abd el hakim el nomaney ahmed elnomaney , Development and management of business development and management representative company (Metro Tour , metro companet tourist
Date Posted: 2016/05/26
hatem abd el hakim el nomaney ahmed elnomaney
by hatem abd el hakim el nomaney ahmed elnomaney , Development and management of business development and management representative company (Metro Tour , metro companet tourist

I want a moment of emotion, a moment of love, a moment of astonishment, the moment of discovery, the moment to know, I want a moment to make sense of my life, that my life in order to eat to live has no meaning; it is Merely a continuation

I think its important tha t marketing and sales personnel must experience all is new inorder for them to be more confident in themselves when coming across different customers and clients of different walks of life.

Experience in all that is new gives you better perspective of the world, people , new knowledge, etc technology and so forth.

Different perspective means better insight to a clients needs 

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