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How Does a budget Help management make good decisions?

How Does a budget Help management make good decisions?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Mohammed El Tahir Mohammed Yousif , Finance Manager , Factory of Golden Block Company for Cement Products
تاريخ النشر: 2017/09/05
Muhammad Qureshi
من قبل Muhammad Qureshi , ManagerBusiness Development , Aeromotive Technologies

All ways help to plan according to timeline and return on expenditure

Tariq Junadi
من قبل Tariq Junadi , Project Manager , Saudi Diesel Equipment Co.

It helps management to define targets for revenue and limitations for expenses.

Soliman Abd  ALmalak Gendy
من قبل Soliman Abd ALmalak Gendy , مدير ادارة مراقبة حسابات , الجهاز المركزى للمحاسبات

A budget shows period business, it shows expected sales over over the same period, the manager can the budget costs of sales and work backwards to determine raw materials needs or labor hours required

Mohammed El Tahir Mohammed Yousif
من قبل Mohammed El Tahir Mohammed Yousif , Finance Manager , Factory of Golden Block Company for Cement Products

Budgeting is a crucial ingredient in the success of any business. Through budgeting, a business makes decisions on how to move forward. Budgeting can be done by individuals or teams, depending on the size and character of the organization. By forecasting funds, prioritizing projects and allocating money to different sources, a budget is the backbone of any good business plan.




Available Funds

The first thing that a budget gives to a management team is broader perspective. Before moving forward, an assessment has to be made about where your business stands. The first step in developing a budget is to examine your business's current financial standing. This will give you an idea of where you are in terms of daily operations, of the market as a whole and of plans for expansion and growth. Determining available funds means taking account of where all of your resources are currently being used. Some resources may be tied up in necessary expenditures, while others might be free or negotiable for use in new developments.



The real goal of budgeting is to develop short- and long-term plans. No business intends to stagnate. By carefully assessing your current standing, you have the tools to look into your future plans. Budgeting helps you and your team see what kinds of expansion would be realistic. In other cases, budgeting might reveal areas of wasteful spending that, if cut out, could help you move forward with longer-term projects. Budgeting is valuable here, because it gives you an idea of what is possible. That way, you don't embark on projects that are beyond your means or avoid expansion that is actually possible through reorganization.



The heartbeat of a business is its day-to-day operational expenses. You might want to expand into another country or open a new store, but if you’re having trouble paying your staff, that is out of the question. Budgeting can help you section off funds for daily expenses so that your business can stay afloat during rough times. Budgeting will also help you find the cheapest way to finance your day-to-day business. For example, there is no reason to get tied up in loans and interest to meet basic expenses if you are able to pay for them, interest free, out of your earnings. Budgeting allows you to streamline your business and eliminate roadblocks to growth.



Cash flow can be a big problem for many businesses, to such an extent that it might cause failures for businesses that are doing everything else right. Every business needs to have ways of financing both regular expenses and expansionary projects. Theoretically, businesses take out loans for new projects and expansions on the assumption that bigger operations will pay back the loans and then some. Budgeting is crucial here, because it will help you to find the best ways to fund your project. There is no reason to go bankrupt because your timeline for paying back a loan is a bit off or because your project is more costly than you anticipated.

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