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What is TEAM? Describe in your own words?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Augustine G Gill , Business Development Director , HASHMANIS GROUP OF HOSPITALS KARACHI
تاريخ النشر: 2016/10/08
Anil Lalwani
من قبل Anil Lalwani , Chief Accountant , Al Ahli Hospital

Thanks for inviting

Team is a group of persons/members gathered together to achieve one or more common goal, common goal means all of them are very much interested to achieve that particular goal. The team become successful when each and every member is loyal to each other and very much active to achieve a goal.

Most of the time we have seen team in may sports game like hockey, Cricket, Foot Ball etc.  

Wow!  All answers are superb and i agree with all!!!!! 



Amal Alsharah
من قبل Amal Alsharah , Atatistical Analyst , Ministry of Education

a team is a group of people are gathered to achieve agreed objectives , they must  complete each others , rarely they will ask else from out side  for  getting on help . 

Sattar Abdulkarim  Mohamed
من قبل Sattar Abdulkarim Mohamed , Country Sales Director , Ideal Technical Solutions

Team is a set of the professional persons work jointly together to achieve some goals or a specific goal during  a limited  period of  time.

Everyone has to be more understood with other and very co-operative. All times, they are in reaching out continuously each other in the exchange their viewpoints in order to capture value from the customer or getting project or implement a specific work successfully. 

Silvya Raga Musa
من قبل Silvya Raga Musa , Marketing Project Management Associate , Doctoruna Bayt

A team is more than a mere group of people put together in the same room. Team members are like puzzle pieces that can only be completed if you respect certain rules: 

1- There can't be two pieces with the same exact shape

2- You cannot put one piece over the other 

3- You must find the right place for each piece 

Each team member must bring something different, and the rest of the team must be accepting and appreciating. A genuine team is trusting, well meshed and flexible. 


Ali Yakub Seesi Rutherfod
من قبل Ali Yakub Seesi Rutherfod , Deputy DIRECTOR Director of Education , Head of Department of Social Science , St. Jerome Snr High School

I agree with all the opinions above

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