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Are companies doing enough to comply with current global trend of standardization (ISO) and certification?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل itayi mahla , Clearing Agent , Telcode freight Services
تاريخ النشر: 2013/09/14
Mark Van Dongen
من قبل Mark Van Dongen , Chief HR Officer RKW-SE , RKW-SE

I think the question is also for what companies an ISO certification is valuable. In my view ISO is almost someting of the last decade, potentially not so for producing companies, but to set up ISO for the support departments I find not worth the trouble. Worked myself in organizations where we did so, it was a whole lot of work, which stifled flexibility as each change had to be documented, signed off etc. We were at one moment improving the system in HR while we got an ISO audit, the assessors agreed the new systems were a great improvement, but as we were in a change mode the new practices did not match the documented procedures so we cut of a lot worse than the year before where we had a poor functioning, but documented system. In order for process assessments to make sense the assessors should have content knowledge, which is more then checking documented processes to see if these are followed. At the moment , I am developing an HR audit internally, but the purpose of these audit session is improvement and driving innovation. Of course, based on compliance, but non-compliance can also be a trigger that the current systems do not work, which can be very valuable as well..

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