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How to create thread-safe singleton in Java using double checked locking?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Mohd shahnawaz khan , Associate Project , Cognizant Technology Solution
تاريخ النشر: 2013/09/01
George El Haddad
من قبل George El Haddad , Software Engineer (Freelance) , Scientific Software Consultancy & Training

Double checked locking is not recomended in programming best practices mainly due to the fact that it can be unsafe and in most places it is considered an Anti-Pattern. The case where double checked locking becomes unsafe is documented on Wikipedia

Thread B notices that the shared variable has been initialized (or so it appears), and returns its value. Because thread B believes the value is already initialized, it does not acquire the lock. If B uses the object before all of the initialization done by A is seen by B (either because A has not finished initializing it or because some of the initialized values in the object have not yet percolated to the memory B uses (cache coherence)), the program will likely crash.

There are effectively3 correct ways to acheive the same result, but each one comes with different performance impacts.

  1. Synchronize the method: Correct but takes a big performance hit
  2. Use the volatile keyword for your instance: Correct and has performance gains but only to be used on Java1.5 and up (volatile implemenation on Java1.4 and below is broken)
  3. Use final wrapper: Correct and you can avoid using the volatile keyword

Performacne between using a final wrapper and volatile keyword may not be big, as always it is recommended to benchmark your options to suite your requirements.

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