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What is the induction VAV unit and what is the usage of it?

what is the induction VAV unit and what is the usage of it

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Mohamed Yassin , مهندس تصميم لانظمة اطفاء الحريق , شركة الرحمة
تاريخ النشر: 2013/08/04

VAV : Variable Air Volume

This device used for controlling the room temperature by adujsting the Volume flow rate of air.

Ehab Tuffaha
من قبل Ehab Tuffaha , MEP Manager , mep enterprises

The Induction VAV system works on a similar principle to the standard VAV system varying the quantThis large reduction in the primary air flow results in major energy savings due to the reduction in the fan power consumption in the air handling units and also means the size of the air handling units and the associated air ducting can be reduced by30%. ty of primary cooled air to the room in response to the cooling requirements. However the Induction VAV system takes the energy saving capability and comfort levels of the system to a higher level. simply; This VAV type have connection fr return air side so you can mix between supply and return;

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