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What is the difference between left join and inner left join?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Ivan Perak , Business / Financial Analyst , Hypo Alpe Adria Bank
تاريخ النشر: 2013/07/07
Naresh kumar
من قبل Naresh kumar , Sr. Software Engineer , vayamtech

Join : Retrive Data from one or More that one table on the certain Login is Call Join,


1. Inner join is call Simple join, after satisfaction of both row data will retrive.

2. Left Join : Retrive Data Even Not Match On Right Table Row


we have2 Table 

1. tblEmployee


2. tblempDetails

EMPID, Address


example : Inner Join

Condition to find the emploee who have address details.

then write Inner Join

Example Left Join

. Condition to find the all emploee who have  or Not have address details, 


Abdul Ghaffar
من قبل Abdul Ghaffar , Manager Databases & Infrastructure , DPL Limited

A left join always retrieves the matching rows of some specific column between table A and table B.
An inner left join retreives all the rows from table a but only the matching rows from table B.

syed ali
من قبل syed ali , Oracle Applications Technical Lead , Rexall PharmaPlus

They are equal to each other. There is absolutely no difference between them. They are equal in performance as well as implementation. JOIN is actually shorter version of INNER JOIN.


Example :

An INNER JOIN will retrieve all records from both tables that have matching values for whatever column you're joining them on. Records from either table that don't match will not be retrieved. A LEFT JOIN will retrieve all records from the left (first) table, and only the records from the second table with matching values for the joining column, filling in any empty spaces with NULL values

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