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What is the difference between Orthodontics and Endodontics?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Ali Sayyed , Accountant , Cairo Bank
تاريخ النشر: 2013/07/07

orthodontics is the dental specialty dealing with correcting malalignments and problems with teeth and jaws.
endodontics however deals with root canal infections and resultant infections that result

Abdul gaffor abdul
من قبل Abdul gaffor abdul , Dental Surgeon , Apollo Hospital

Orthodontics is that speciality of dentistry that deals with Dental occlusion,, it relation with human body,,and treatment/correct ing 's complications resulting from malocclusion both functional and aesthetically

Where as Endodontics is that speciality of dentistry that deals with teeth and it's diseases,, treatment of teeth,,restoring it's function,,with harmony with Dental occlusion

Endodontics are those who are specialized in the root canal therapy and the surgical treatments when root canals fail. Emphasis on using microscopes and high tech treatment tools. Whereas Orthodontics are those who are specialized in braces, clear aligner therapy (Invisalign) and appliance therapy (headgear and active retainers). Emphasis is on straightening teeth. 

Faizah Ahmed
من قبل Faizah Ahmed , GP Dentist , Dental Health Centre

orthodontics is the study of evaluating,diagnosing and treatment of malocclustion in primary and permanent dentition

endodontics is the study ;diagnose and treatment of dental pulp and related periapical tissues.

Eric Roger
من قبل Eric Roger , Dentist , Remax

Endodontist is a specialty which deals with the treatment of a Dental pulp and infections related to the root canal.Orthodontist is the specialty that deals with the modification or control of the facial growth and improper bites.Please refer to weekend hour Rockville MD for more details.

orthodontie interessant que les chauveauchement et les male position dentaire pour réglé les probleme il faut déplacer les dents ctd donne une force applique sur les dents pour les déplacer mais ne dépasse pas la tolerence de cette derniérre mais endodontie interessant que les agression de lensemble du complexe pulpo dentinaire quelque soit dentinite ou bien pulpite orthodontics interesting that chauveauchement and male dental position to set the problem must move teeth rhs gives a force applied to the teeth to move but does not exceed the tolerence of this derniérre endodontics interesting but that aggression lensemble of some pulpo dentinal complex is dentinite or pulpitis

davie smith
من قبل davie smith

Orthodontics treat improper bite disorders (ortho means bones so any jaw disorders, etc), Endodontics deals with with tooth pulp and tissues surronding the root of the teeth (endo means internal, so inside the tooth, nerves, etc).

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