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Randa Helmi
par Randa Helmi , Certified Career Services Provider , AMF

Changing Careers depend on couple of factors; your potentials (skills, expertise, best job pathes, values) and job market availability.

The first can be explored; many assessment tools available; however, the second needs some effort to ensure the career change is being a correct decision at the right time.

Aslo, you may want to answer this question; shall my move to career change affect my financials and responsbilities (if any)?

Here, comes another facrtor; Financials; before stepping into the change itself.

In seldom cases, people who chose to change their careers, have to go for physological and emotional sessions with their coaches to assess the society acceptance to their choice. And in majority success is on their side.

Pick a trusted mentor and coach and implement the career change assessment at once if you feel mandated to do so

Good Luck


Murad Elian
par Murad Elian , Chief HR Specialist , Roads and Transport Authority (RTA)

if you mean to change your career like from a field to a totally different field, this can be easy if you are still junior in that field, so yes in that case you may do it, however if you are senior in your career you may enhance it or look for progression in the market, the best way to change a career is by gaining a new qualification or specialized certificate in the targeted field like CIPD or CPA 

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