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What is the key for creating brand equity?

Question added by Abdul Rehman Zaheer , Marketing & Projects Specialist , King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Date Posted: 2014/03/12

The best way I have learnt on creating brand equity, in context of customer base, is Keller's Brand Equity Model that is also called by the name Customer Based Brand Equity Model. It is quite easy to actually study; but the actual execution and implication requires reading the minds of the consumers in regard to your brand.

It offers a simple formula, in order to develop a brand (or brand equity in technical terms) one has to make adjustments as to how the consumer/customer sees your brand (perception,awareness etc all included). So, you are the player with the cards; whatever cards you deal to the customers will make or break the brand, not to mention the external uncertainties like competition from which your brand should be deferrentiated as well (implimenting is tougher with many uncertain vairables, but nt impossible).

The steps:

1- Identify who your are (Identity / awareness). Making sure your brand stands outin the crowd.

2- The Meaning your Brand holds (basically Imagery & Performance)

3- The Response (what the customers feel or think about or how they judge the brand)

4- The Relationship (it simply measure how much resonance is created between the customer and the brand, or how much connection the customer share with the brand).


These are the four basic pillars, well, according to Keller. There may be other models, but this is the basic form of developing and/or maintaining brand equity.


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