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What is the difference between node.js and javascript?

Question added by Mahmoud Ghazal , Senior Agile Project Manager , Telstra
Date Posted: 2014/01/27

JavaScript is a language. node.js is not a language or a special dialect of JavaScript - it's just a thingamabob that runs normal JavaScript. All browsers have JavaScript engines that run the JavaScript of web pages. Firefox has an engine called Spidermonkey, Safari has JavaScriptCore, and Chrome has an engine called V8. Node.js is simply the V8 engine bundled with some libraries to do I/O and networking, so that you can use JavaScript outside of the browser, to create shell scripts, backend services or run on hardware 

Zain Saqer
by Zain Saqer , Software Engineer , Prime technologies s.r.o Latakia, Lataki

JavaScript is programming language.

Node.js is runtime environment interprets (run) JavaScript using Google's V8 JavaScript engine.

Atif Aqeel
by Atif Aqeel , Founder And Director , Xesense

Node.js is a software platform that is used to build scalable network (especially server-side) applications. Node.js utilizes JavaScript as its scripting language, and achieves high throughput via non-blocking I/O and a single-threaded event loop.

Node.js contains a built-in HTTP server library, making it possible to run a web server without the use of external software, such as Apache or Lighttpd, and allowing more control of how the web server works



JavaScript (JS) is a dynamic computer programming is most commonly used as part of web browsers, whose implementations allow client-side scripts to interact with the user, control the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that is displayed.It has also become common in server-side programming, game development and the creation of desktop applications.

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