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Would you recommend a qualified person for a job if you know this person has personal problems that might prevent them from doing the best their best?

This is someone you know as an acquaintance/friend.

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2013/11/16
amer jayyousi
by amer jayyousi , Business Development Consultant , freelance

well, this certainly a good question.

you said a qualified  person and might prevent and not will prevent them from doing their best.

first of all a qualified person usually will succeed even with personal problems as the job side is covered by his qualification.

so what we want to do is help him personally,and what are we here for,if you are his or her aquaintance it is you job to  help him through it,then what are friends for.

i would personally recommend him for the job and work day and night to help him/her go through it.problems present opportunities and i never think of a problem as something bad, it is always good,you will learn how to be a social helper and he will recover soon hopefully.

i would recommend him for the job and work with him and on him day and night.and the job itself might be his greatest him if he/she likes it.

this way we will come out both winners.

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