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PDM Use in Web Development explain me?

PDM Use in Web Development explain me ?

Question added by Khan Ubaid Ur Rehman , Website Developer , SMA International Makeup Academy
Date Posted: 2017/10/04
Mohammed Rahhal
by Mohammed Rahhal , Project Manager , Confidential

PDM, in the context you've mentioned, likely refers to Product Data Management or Project Data Management. However, it's more commonly associated with engineering and product design. If you meant something different by PDM, please clarify.

Assuming you are referring to Product or Project Data Management, it might not be directly related to web development, but there are some concepts and practices that can be applied across various domains, including web development. Here's a general explanation:

  1. Data Organization:

    • PDM involves organizing and managing data related to products or projects. In web development, this could include organizing codebase, assets, documentation, and other project-related data.
  2. Version Control:

    • PDM often incorporates version control systems to manage changes to documents or files over time. In web development, version control systems like Git are widely used to track changes in source code, collaborate with teams, and roll back to previous versions if needed.
  3. Collaboration:

    • PDM systems facilitate collaboration among team members. In web development, collaborative tools and practices are crucial for teams working on codebases, ensuring that multiple developers can work on the same project simultaneously without conflicts.
  4. Document Management:

    • PDM includes managing documents related to the product or project. In web development, this could involve managing technical documentation, design specifications, and other project-related documents.
  5. Workflow Management:

    • PDM often includes workflow management to define and automate processes. In web development, this could relate to defining and managing development workflows, such as code review processes, testing procedures, and deployment pipelines.
  6. Traceability and Audit Trails:

    • PDM systems provide traceability, allowing users to track changes and understand the history of a product or project. In web development, this is crucial for debugging, auditing, and understanding the evolution of a project.

While the term "PDM" might not be commonly associated with web development, the principles of effective data and project management are universal. Adopting similar concepts and tools can contribute to a more organized, collaborative, and efficient web development process.


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