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Healthy lifestyle: how do I know if my body is deficient in nutrients?

Question added by Sally Majali
Date Posted: 2017/08/22

Well, I think that first of all you need to take tests and make an appointment with a doctor to find out for sure if you have any deficiencies, or everything is ok. As for the rest, I think that it is necessary to act depending on the results of the examination and the doctor's prescriptions. If you just want to maintain your health in a normal state, then I advise you CBN Oil. I really like this food supplement, I take it to get the antibacterial effect.

Ismail Nijim Nijim
by Ismail Nijim Nijim , ممرض عام مسجل , اتحاد لجان الرعاية الصحية

1- Fatigue

2- Loss of appetite

3-  Cold intolerance

4- Carotenoderma – yellow discolouration of the skin noticeable on the face and trunk like in (Protein-energy and zinc)

5- Dry skin  

6- Sore tongue like deficiency in Iron, vitamin B12, B2, B3 and possibly other B vitamins

You can find marijuana seeds in online seed banks, seed stores and even in some grocery stores. But before buying cannabis seeds , it is important to know where they come from and how they were grown. You should find this information on the packaging of the seeds you are buying. You can also find autoflowering cannabis seeds on many platforms.

by TAO Bao , kavasmak , barista

Hi, I'm glad that you started taking care of yourself and playing sports. At one time I was able to give up all bad habits for the sake of my spirit and body. Nedanwo found a cool resource, Proper Healthy Living. There is a lot of different information, I'm sure you can find there for yourself. I found a cool recipe for protein shakes there, now I drink it after every workout. I hope I was able to help you.

Mag Tag
by Mag Tag , Kava , AromaKava


Hi, I recently started looking after my health just like you. But it’s hard for me because I don’t know much information about all this. Is there any resource that can help me?


How to discover vitamin deficiencies:


There are two ways to detect vitamin deficiencies in humans:


 Blood test:

It is preferred that the person does every period not

Is more than six months, to examine blood to ascertain the proportion of vitamins and has a lack of periodic blood tests are necessary to detect many diseases as well, such as diabetes, cholesterol and others.


Observe the symptoms that affect the human

When vitamin deficiency:

Usually, a person may experience certain symptoms when a type of vitamin is deficient. When these symptoms are noticed, the patient should check with the doctor for fear of conflicting with other symptoms, and the doctor will give the necessary advice. But it is common that the symptoms listed in the table below show a lack of vitamins, explaining where these vitamins can be found within normal foods.


Figure, vitamin, deficiency symptoms, sources


1 - A

 Symptoms: Sight: The decrease of this vitamin affects the vision and vision, it may suffer from lack of night blindness or blindness that vitamin deficiency affects the immune system, increasing the incidence of infectious diseases and weak resistance to the skin and nails and teeth.

Sources: liver, fish oil, whale liver, dairy products, parsley, carrots, oranges, apricots, spinach, melons and plums.


2 - B1

Symptoms: Nervous system disorders: Feeling tired, numb, headache and dysfunction in circulation. Accelerating heart rate Gastrointestinal dysfunction: loss of appetite, vomiting, muscle dysfunction and hemorrhage, and the appearance of paralysis-like symptoms of Berry Berry disease, which affects the heart and nervous system.

 Sources: Cereal husks such as wheat, rice, legumes, nuts, beef, meat, liver, kidneys, fish, apricots, peaches and carrots.


3 - B2

Symptoms: Inflammation, ulceration and cracking, whether it is in the gums, lips, or skin and broken nails low weight

Growth eye infections and gastric wall.

Sources: lettuce, spinach, carrots, apricots, yogurt, milk and its derivatives Fish, caviar and cereals.


 4 - B3

Symptoms: Skin diseases such as skin rheumatism and itching of intestinal diseases such as constipation, vomiting or diarrhea with the burning of mental diseases, such as mental retardation and loss of memory.

Sources: Liver, meat, eggs, yeast, beer, spinach, cabbage and cauliflower.


5 - B5

Symptoms: mental disorders, insomnia, stress, anemia, vomiting numbness, numbness of feet and inflammation.

Sources: dairy products, fish, legumes, cauliflower, cabbage and lettuce.


6 - B6

 Symptoms: Parkinson's disease resulting in body shaking, muscle contraction and atrophy gastric gastroenteritis and vomiting symptoms of beriberi disease mentioned in B1.

Sources: Meat, liver, fish, fruit, avocados and whole grains.


7 - B7

Symptoms: Diseases of the nervous system Diseases of the digestive system Dryness of the skin, inflammation and hair loss Alzheimers and memory loss.

Sources: Barley, chickpeas, spinach, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, white meat and fish.


8 - B9

Symptoms: Anemia liver disease and pancreas.

Sources: spinach, legumes, green leaves such as parsley, parsley, liver yeast and dairy products.



Symptoms: Nervous system diseases, insomnia, stress, tiredness, tiredness, loss of appetite and a state of general decline loss of appetite

Malignant anemia.

Sources: Liver, kidney, milk and its derivatives.



10 - C

Symptoms: joint and muscle pain

Feeling tired and cracks and inflammation

In the gums and skin frequent infection with flu and colds.

Sources: citrus, pepper, spinach, potatoes, milk and fruit in general.




 1. Diseases that affect bones such as rickets. 2. Inflammation such as nose and throat inflammation.

 The References :

 1. Yeasts and mushrooms

2. Exposure to the sun

3. Liver and fish oil


12 - E

Symptoms: Infertility or poor sperm abortion Abortions in the heart.

Sources: Oils such as olives, corn, parsley, lettuce, cabbage, watercress, liver, kidneys, milk and eggs.


13. K

Symptoms: Blood clotting or slow osteoporosis.

Sources: Plants with green leaves such as spinach, cabbage and others.


Industrial vitamins:

Are vitamins manufactured by man and is not normal, take the form of capsules or tablets, which is found in pharmacies and markets, it differed medicine in their success and whether it damages the human or not health, said the department advise taking them to compensate for the shortage of natural meals now, either the other section, he said that there is no proof of its usefulness after, and at the same time, it may cause negative aspects of the human, has been reflected in the overdose of these vitamins causes damage to humans, especially in group vitamins B unlike natural vitamins, which is not a side effect Or negative to address any amount of them, and thus in Be advised to take natural vitamins through their sources if they are fruits, vegetables or meat.


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