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Have you ever asked yourself: How much money does it take to be rich? if yes please tell us your way :)

Question added by Mahmoud Mallah , Executive Sales Manager , Zepter International
Date Posted: 2013/05/07
Lana Al Mitwaly
by Lana Al Mitwaly , Marketing And Business Development Manager , Aluminum Light Solutions

" The rich is the one with No Debt " Grandpa

Ahmed Saeed
by Ahmed Saeed , Senior Architect grae-A , Dimensions Engineering Consultant

Every day I think about when I will get rich .
just give me 50,000 $ per year and I will get rich .

Delia Lemos
by Delia Lemos , Health Care Support Worker , First City Nursing

Ahh... being rich. Everyone wants it, but few people actually know what they need to do in order to get there. Becoming rich is a combination of luck, skill, and patience. You have to be at least a little lucky; you build on that luck with your skillful decisions; and then you continue weathering the storm as your wealth grows. We're not going to lie to you — getting rich ain't easy — but with a little bit of perseverance and the right information, it's definitely possible. Here's how.

1- .Pay yourself first. This means before you go and blow your pay check on a new pair of shoes or a golf club you don't need, put money aside in to an account that you don't touch. Do this every time you get paid and watch your account grow.

 2- Make a budget. Create a monthly budget that covers all of your basic expenses and leaves a little bit of "fun" money aside. Do not go over this. Sticking by your budget and saving at least some money each month is the surest way of getting rich.

3- Downgrade on your car and house. Could you make do with an apartment instead of a house, or have roommates instead of your own place? Could you buy a used car instead of a new one and use it more sparingly? These are all ways to save a ton of money every month.

4-Cut expenses. Look at the ways you frivolously spend money and remove everything. For example, avoid going to Starbucks every morning. That £4 you spend on designer coffee every morning comes out to £20 per week, or £1,040 over the course of a year!

5- Spend your tax refund wisely. In2007, the average English tax refund was £2,733. That's a lot of money! Can you use that money to pay off debts or create an emergency fund instead of blowing it on something that will lose half its value the second you buy it? If you invest nearly £3,000 wisely, it could be ten times that much in as many years.

6- Break up with your credit card. Did you know that people who use credit cards for purchases end up spending more money than people who use cash, on average?  That's because parting with cash is painful. Using a credit card doesn't create that much of a sting. If you can, divorce your credit card and see how it feels to pay with cash. You'll probably end up saving a boatload of money.

If you do maintain a credit card, do things to reduce its expenses. For example, use one that needs to have cash already paid on it (a debit credit card) and pay off your credit card balance on time every time, to avoid interest.

 Hope you follow and then you'll be on your way to be rich! :P

Amira El Sadek
by Amira El Sadek , Sales Manager , Real Estate Development

Your success in your business is the way to be rich

شرين فكرى al-jazeeri
by شرين فكرى al-jazeeri , مدرسه , مدرسه الثانوية التجارية بابو المطامير

I need 5,000 pounds a month in order to be rich And invested in a business venture

Well first ask yourself do you have the passion for something ? If you have passion money will not be a big thing for anybody.


The rich is the one with No Debts and there is no limit for rich

padmakumar pathiyil
by padmakumar pathiyil , Marketing Consultant , Management Consultancy

Money does not make me rich. I consider money to be a necessity to lead a life. what make me rich is my knowledge. my experience, my family, my friends, my spirituality, 

Maisara Ahmed
by Maisara Ahmed , Virginia Manager/Consultant , Vonage

money comes with success and growth, being debt free and stable and being able to live off of what you need and being able to help other people and your team be successful in my eyes that is RICH

Unless you have a strong foundation in your life it doesn't matter, because with each increase in money and a new lifestyle, there are new problems: more money=more problems.

Wasfi Hasanat
by Wasfi Hasanat , GSA , Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts

Richness is to find happines, money is something we make but it cannot make us even if we have a billion ð

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