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The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership.What is your call on this myth ??

Question added by Mohammed Asim Nehal , M Asim Nehal & Co , Chartered Accountants
Date Posted: 2015/08/07
Duncan Robertson
by Duncan Robertson , Strategy Consultant , Duncan Robertson Consultancy

Everybody can improve their leadership skills.


"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."  (Shakespeare, Twelfth Night)  The same could be said about good leadership.


'Natural leaders' are people who have a talent for leadership.  This probably has genetic components, but early experiences, education and so on are also very important. 


Gayasuddin Mohammed
by Gayasuddin Mohammed , Advocate , Practicing Law before High Court at Hyderabad

There is a maxim that no one is born by criminal, circumstances make them criminal. I believe in this concept at the same time it is the circumstances, situations and opportunities make them to have the skills initially and later developing their leadership or any skills are depends upon the individuals interests and capability. Therefore I feel that the leaders are born is a myth only not the reality. Thanks.

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