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How can we make self assessment for the sales and marketing Mgr,?

I meant the procedure and template if you have ??

Question added by Ahmed samir , Business Development Manager "Consultant" , Real Estate Development & Property Management Company,
Date Posted: 2013/08/15
Hany Sewilam Abdel Hamid
by Hany Sewilam Abdel Hamid , Director of Sales and Marketing , Creative Sense

Dear Ahmed, Use the following assessment tools to evaluate sales and marketing manager at all levels.
Please download the template from my website: Assessments can be modified to meet specific requirements or designed from scratch.
it’s important for sales & marketing managers to take an assessment of their performance last year and consider what worked, what didn’t and what they will do differently this year.
This can be done anytime, but it is especially pertinent at the beginning of a new year.
Yet, under the banner of getting off to a quick start, action often takes precedents over a few moments of self-assessment.
All kind of Sales & Marketing assessment must includes the following assessments: Marketing Plan and Activities Sales Plan and Activities Plan Alignment Capabilities   Marketing Plan Review Measurement Metrics Market Research Online Presence List Management Contact Management Digital Communication Referral Generation Press Relations Advertising Exhibitions and Conferences Seminars and Events Benchmarking Resources Capabilities   Sales Plan Review Target or Quota Assignment Target or Quota Sufficiency Target Achievement Plans Forecasting Methods Key Account Planning Major Opportunity Planning Resources Capabilities     Plan Alignment Review Qualification Definitions Process Definitions Prioritisation Forecasting Communication Alignment   If you need more templates or procedures in details, please contact me Ahmed.
Thanks Hany Sewilam AbdelHamid Business Development Manager

Abdelaziz Hamed
by Abdelaziz Hamed , Sales &Marketing Manager , Kenya Airways - Other Locations


The answer is pretty obvious. Capital, sales, marketing, top-performing talent, systems, investment mindset, luck and more. Whether you finance your growth the way the big boys do or you bootstrap your way way using good old fashioned sales and marketing muscle.

Either way you must stay committed to learning to sell and market better each step along the way. You must invest and watch the numbers. You have to learn and adapt. You have to communicate clearly. And you have to have have a real plan  of action that the people in the business actually follow!

Yet, small business owners live in a different world than the big boys. For a reason! It costs big bucks to grow and run a real sales and marketing operation. And discipline. Follow through. Tenacity. And did I mention capital? Big capital most of us and will never have like the Fortune 1000. reports that the median salary for a marketing director today is $123,144 a year. That’s $10,262 a month. Likely more than 10x the entire monthly marketing budget for stuff like SEO that doesn’t work, social media that gets zero result, and all sorts of gimmicks and tricks that seem to work only a little at the very best.

What about a sales director? Again, states it’s $145,151. Ouch. Cost prohibitive. So cruel. You may not even pay yourself that much! As a result, millions of small business owners suffer doing it the only way they know how which is poorly.

So what’s a business owner to do about all this sales and marketing stuff? Here are 3 simple steps to walk yourself through when it comes to getting better performance results without losing your mind and crushing your budget …

  1. Take an honest inventory of where you are now. Is it time to make a change or are you really getting the best possible sales and marketing results? If it’s time to make a change, evaluate the cost-benefits of hiring directly or outsourcing.
  2. If it’s not time to invest in new talent, learn to make more informed decisions yourself when it comes to sales and marketing. Hire a coach. Take more classes. Dedicate and block more time to learning and applying the sales and marketing disciplines that make the most sense for you. Make sure you weigh in “highest and best use” of your time considering the stage of your business and talents.
  3. If your evaluation and self assessment indicates it’s time for you to invest in new talent and hire a sales or marketing director for your business, consider working with someone who can help you bridge the short term gap and ultimately help you hire the right people at the right time.

Either way, you have to learn, grow and make mistakes just like the rest of us. Also, consider that there’s a really good reason most professional athletes, artists, performers and entertainers hire and pay big bucks for coaching, consulting, and advice. They all want to be the best in the world!

How about you? What do you really want for yourself, your company, your current team, your family and really, your life? (That’s what your business is all about isn’t it?) Enjoying your life. Having more time. Maybe more income. Creating real wealth so you can retire or sell the business one day. What will it take to get there?

The bottom line is this. Being your own sales and marketing director (for too long) or hiring the wrong people is insanely expensive. (Median salary for a marketing director is $123,144 and $145,151 according to That’s big bucks for any company. Too big for the vast majority of small companies to be certain.

Every day otherwise successful business owners reach out for help and solutions …

  • Feeling stressed out wearing too many hats with not enough time to tackle all the sales and marketing work you need to get done every week?
  • Being utterly confused and tired of all the lame and insane pitches you get from agencies, consultants and others for SEO, social media, blogging and more?
  • Wanting an affordable, practical solution to grow with professionals who you can trust?

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