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Rehan Farooq

Here is the method of linking a webpage or URL:


<a href="URL">


The URL of the link.

Possible values:

  • An absolute URL - points to another web site (like href="")
  • A relative URL - points to a file within a web site (like href="default.htm")
  • Link to an element with a specified id within the page (like href="#top")
  • Other protocols (like https://, ftp://, mailto:, file:, etc..)
  • A script (like href="javascript:alert('Hello');")

Rahaf Nawash
by Rahaf Nawash , Front End Engineer , Atypon Systems Inc.

you use the a tag  and you specify the target attribute to be _blank



<a href="" target="_blank">Bayt Site</a>

Mohammad Fanasheh
by Mohammad Fanasheh , IT Technology Senior Consultant/Team Leader , TETCO /ArmsIT

do you mean redirect your current page to another page ? in html you can use the following tag <a href="" > 

and in server site in case you want to make your submit button redirect you to another page , in c# . response.redirect(url); into the event handler of the button .

Assalamu alaykoum


Here is a simplest way in HTML:

<a href="index.html">Home</a>

Explanation: the word "Home" in your HTML paragraph will link to the page "index.html" in the same folder of your server.


if you want link to another page ex:


<a href="">Google page</a>

Here both words "Google page" will link to "".



Thahir CP
by Thahir CP , CMS Developer, Web/UI Designer , Helix Innovative

You can use normal anchor text with href attribute pointing to that web page. However it is best practice to add rel="nofollow" if that link point to another website to discourage SE crawling 


syntax = <a href="link-to-page">link text here</a>

hisham nasr
by hisham nasr , Teaching assistant

you add the  code

&lt; a herf="the URL of the new page here" &gt; click here &lt; /a &gt


Muhammad Ahmed Raza
by Muhammad Ahmed Raza , Web Developer & Technical Support Head , Ninja Softs (Private) Limited

The simplest and easiest way to link in html is 

<a href="url">link text</a>

where url is your targeted webpages 


link text is your defined text to show for link.

Hope u understand.




Priyanka Nautiyal
by Priyanka Nautiyal , .net developer , i-Lap Software

in html we can use href tag: href ="page1.html"  we can also give the "target" to check whether the link will open in same tab or another tab.

Majeed ur Rahman
by Majeed ur Rahman , Graphics and Web Designer , Self Employed

There are two possible ways to make link to a different website.

The first is by using HTML anchor tag <a href="URL of the website">Clcik here</a>

The other way is to use button

<form action="url of the website">

<input type="button" value="Click Here"/>



Rami Nasrallah
by Rami Nasrallah , Customer Experience Specialist , DEVNET

there is two way to doing that first and i dont prefer by Javascript is going like this


and we use this to make any html element to behave like a link so you can type this code on image or div or any html element as inline attribute to get the result

and we don't like to use it because maybe we got some people use old browsers and disable a Javascript functions by default.


and the best way is a basic HTML code as below


you can  change the content inside with any think you want as image, and its work with div or any html element but many of the content will not take you as a validated code.

Cecilia Brum
by Cecilia Brum , Senior UI/UX designer , Rockstar Coders

The basic, and most usual, is with html, with the simple use of the <a></a> tag and its attributes:

<a href=""  target="_blank" >check google</a>href= indicates where to lead the user (in this case google)target= indicates wheather to open this link within the same window, or in this case another tab (_blank).Then as someone said, it can also be done using javascript by on the click event, but if js is off on the user side, then... the js used on the page won't work.

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