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Why Employer want engineer people and don't want Experienced people (without education) ?

Question added by asik ali , Assistant manager production and maintenance , AMCO Batteries Limited
Date Posted: 2014/10/28
Sasa Stavric
by Sasa Stavric , Engineer Techinician , Kombinat

The Engineer thinks of safety and cost while an experienced person can think on one side while the site condition will not always be the same.Companies don't like to risk so they always go with people with diploma and certificates.

Muhammad Khalil
by Muhammad Khalil , Chief Engineer (Civil) , Water and Sanitation Services Mardan

Just imagine the difference between a doctor and a dispenser. A dispenser does not know in depth knowledge of his filed and just having leaned names of some medicine and preliminary treatment dressing etc. This is the just the case of Engineer and an ordinary Experienced person in the field. The Engineers thinks of safety and cost while an experienced person can think on one side while the site condition will not always be the same.

Employers need both Engineers and experienced /skilled technician or labors these are the two wings and the company couldn't raise up without one of them.   

sajid m s
by sajid m s , PROJECT ENGINEER , Inmarco FZC

Science and Technology are  fruits of Knowledge gained by man over the years. Experience can teach a lot of things to one, and along with some accidents, contributed in  the evolution of  many miracle works for mankind. All the same, the question here is why an employer mostly doesn't take such a risk. In my opinion, Engineers are generally adhered to application of technology, which is  known and successfully practised by industrial world. They will it do it by the system which they have got trained in. An employer can analyse  talent of an engineer by taking a look at his certificates, Trainings, and by asking some right questions related to his own requirement. Once he proves as knowledgeable , worthy person, it is easy to make a decision. On the other hand, Experienced Wizards are most likely don't have a definitive method to describe their knowledge levels and what they have to say would be mostly adventurous stories of their experimentation. So, to an employer, such a person will be one who cannot be controlled. And also for Experienced wise men, working under someone, following their systems and practices will give the effect of punishment. I believe, these all can be  reasons for not employing, Uneducated wise men in place of less experienced engineers.

Appi Reddy Kothapally
by Appi Reddy Kothapally , Chief Structural Consultant , self employed

Employing the people basing on experience without engineering degree in engineering projects is moving on the road where it leads to. Such people can be employed in specific tasks of lowest possible levels. A fitter is also having some technical knowledge as he under goes training in ITIs for a period of1 to2 years. As an apprentice he further trained in engineering filed. No owner/business man engaged in engineering projects, either directly or indirectly (consultants) employ engineers in his projects to get final results without spending excess money and time. In  simple words engaging non technical people in engineering projects is manufacturing a car by a mechanic mean not to bother about fuel consumption, efficiency, speed, life, etc factors.

Michael Francis Freyra
by Michael Francis Freyra , (Freelance/Remote) Research Analyst ,

Engineering is hard to learn. Most students fail at the very first year, and only few graduate. It takes good innate ability to comprehend complex ideas and theories, and a good deal of perseverance to finish the course. These two traits are probably what most employers look for. The ability to understand new concepts would be very useful since technology phases out quickly. And of course, perseverance so that no matter how big the project is, they can rest assured that it will be done. But I'm not saying that these two qualities can't exist in experienced people without education. They can, too. But you know companies don't like to risk so they always go with the people with more "proof" - that is diploma and certificates.

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