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When you send your proposal to a business customer, the customer will base his buying decision on a "buying process". What does that include?

Question added by Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh , Sales & Business Consultant and Trainer , Self-employed
Date Posted: 2014/10/12

the customer will base his buying decision on "buying process"which is financial first,the standard or quality of business,and of course is the customer can avail the business that you were planning to buy.

Muhammad Zaman Khan
by Muhammad Zaman Khan , Senior Sales Promotion Officer Corporate/Key Account Manager , Pakistan International Airlines


I am working as Senior Sales promotion officer Corporate in Pakistan International Airlines. My job requires me to keep my self update on the market rends along with competitor strategies. Whenever we approach client with a business proposal following pints are kept under mind for negotiation

  1. Financial position of the client (does the client belong to the8020 group)
  2. Competitor fare/weakness
  3. Our product strength and how it can benefit them
  4. Special rate offer just for the client to produce interest in our product
  5. Bring souvenirs or giveaways along with yourself 
  6. Always mention and attach loyalty benefits for availing your product
  7. Assure your client of24/7 services along with after sales services
  8. If the deal his of high revenue importance always close the deal on business lunch

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