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What is the difference between an organic material and a mineral?


Question added by عبد السلام هلال , TECHNIQUE EDUCATION , EDUCATION
Date Posted: 2013/06/23
Lubna jamal Almemah
by Lubna jamal Almemah , Analyst , The Professionals for Energy, Environment , and Water solutions

يمكن تعريف المعدن بأنه عبارة عن مادة طبيعية غير عضوية ذات تركيب كيميائي مميز أو متغير في نطاق محدود وله تركيب بلوري داخلي ثابت ويظهر أحياناً على شكل بلورات ويوجد على شكل متبلور في أغلب الأحيان.

المركب العضوي هو أي مركب من المركبات الكيميائية التي تحتوى جزيئاتها على الكربون

mihiri mohottala
by mihiri mohottala , Quality Controller , AEN Palm Oil

Organic materials are refered to those are made up of only Carbon and Hydrogen(hydrocarbons). Carbon has the valency of4 , and Hydrogen has valency of1. They combined in different proportions to make different compounds like alcohol,alkane, alkene, alkyne, benzen etc. Sometimes halogens(Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine), sulfer ,oxygen and nytrogen also involed in making organic compounds. Minerals are made by different elements combined in definite proportion to make compound.They are stable , naturally occuring on earth and stay in clusters. eg; table salt NaCl.diamond etc. Oraganic compounds also can make minerals too like grafite, diamond etc.

Sherif Ali Younis
by Sherif Ali Younis , Researcher, Analysis and Evaluation Department , Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute

Organic Compounds are substance whose molecules contain one or more (often many more) carbon atoms covalent bonded with another element or  radical(including hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, the halogens as well as phosphorus, silicon and sulfur).A few exceptions are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonates, cyanides, cyanates, carbides, and thyocyanates, which are considered inorganic.
Examples of organic compounds are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.
  Inorganic Compounds: Any compound not containing carbon atoms.

mohamed kamal mohamed ayoup
by mohamed kamal mohamed ayoup , متدرب , شركه طره الاسمنت

mineral materials is inorganic material cannot prepared in the lab and enter in cement and creamic and iron industry for example calacite

latifa el qoubi
by latifa el qoubi , استادة , اعمل لحسابي الخاص

La matière organique: C'est un ensemble de substances chimiques complexes et très variées, fabriquées par les êtres vivants.
(Les matières organiques sont formées de grosses molécules complexes contenant toujours du carbone) ex: les protéines, l'A.D.N., les glucides, etc.
La matière minérale: C'est un ensemble de substances chimiques qui constituent principalement le monde non-vivant.
(Les matières minérales sont formées de petites molécules, elles ne contiennent pas de carbone*) ex: l'eau, les métaux (le fer, le cuivre, etc.), certains gaz (le dioxyde de carbone, le dioxygène, etc.), les minéraux des roches, etc.

Tarek Moussa
by Tarek Moussa , Teacher , Abdulaziz International School SABIS

an organic material is any material that contains carbon, ofcourse there are some exeptions like carbon dioxide.

usually all organic material come or can be derived fron natural resourses ex: petrol, gas, plants, animals...

everything else is considered to be an Inorganic compound, which is referred to in some literature as minerals.

The NMR is a great way to distinguish between the two. there are specific frequencies to each individual element and each individual bonding.

It needs some practice if you are new at NMR though...

Organic matter is matter that has come from a once-living organism; is capable of decay, or the product of decay; or is composed of organic compounds.
A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical processes, having characteristic chemical composition, highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties

Dr Krishnaiah Nettem
by Dr Krishnaiah Nettem , Laboratory Supervisor , National Petroleum Services Company

  Natural organic material occurring in the terrestrial environment as well as in aquatic systems is defined as all shriveling material from plants and animals and their degradation products.
Those organic compounds are all compounds having carbon with the exception of Carbondioxide (CO,), Carbonates, Carbide and Metal Cyanides.
  A mineral is natural inorganic compound (an element or chemical compound that is normally crystalline) and that has been formed as a result of geological processes.

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