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How do you rate Google+ from 1 to 10 ? ( 10 is highest )

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Walid Taha , Senior Translator, Editor & Copywriter , Edelman
تاريخ النشر: 2013/01/25
Zaid Rabab'a
من قبل Zaid Rabab'a , Software Development Team Leader , Al-Safa Co. Ltd.

My rating is 1 ...
its like a ghost city

Marina Abaza
من قبل Marina Abaza , Project Assistant (Case Management) , International Organisation

I give it 5.
I'm lonely on Google+ since only a couple of my friends (that I know of) are on yet.
I would like to be connected to more + users to really test the functionality.
It looks great but without actually using it, it's hard to find the good and bad.

Roba Al-Assi
من قبل Roba Al-Assi , Brand and Communications Director , Bayt.com

I give it a 3, and only because they use it for their SEO.

Mohammad Alrekabat
من قبل Mohammad Alrekabat , Head of Content, Community and Customer Care Department , 7awi.com

My rating is 9.
G+ has amazing features raised its level between other social networking quickly like Circles and Real-time stream.

بوعزة بشير
من قبل بوعزة بشير , تقني سامي , cma

Je lui donne 3, et seulement parce qu'ils l'utilisent pour leur référencement.

Walid Taha
من قبل Walid Taha , Senior Translator, Editor & Copywriter , Edelman

@Roba, you don't think it's an advantage to have a social network based on SEO ?

George Durzi
من قبل George Durzi , Senior Media Performance Manager - Middle East & Africa , Dyson

My rating is 9! If only the marketing of this platform was better.
The execution and launching of the platform had a lot of bugs and people started to lose interest! But SEO wise, it is incredible!

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

هل تحتاج لمساعدة في كتابة سيرة ذاتية تحتوي على الكلمات الدلالية التي يبحث عنها أصحاب العمل؟