ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


Please definition, The related parties?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Rashad Moursi , Financial and Administrative Officer & international Business Transformer, Hotel Owner Reprs. , Investment and financial
تاريخ النشر: 2014/04/23

As per the Indian Companies Act, Parties are considered to be related if at any time during the reporting year one party has the ability to control or excersise signiicant influence on the other over financial and/ or operational decision then both parties are said to be related

من قبل NIZAR PUTTENKUNNU , Group Finance Manager , Refa Gifts Markets LLC & Group of Companies

The parties or companies dealing or related with the business owned fully or partially with operational or management control

gajendra singh
من قبل gajendra singh , ACCOUNTS OFFICER , NK TEMPLES PVT. LTD.

Each and every companies have there own bussiness and vendores now if parties are pusuing sames business they called related parties even some sort of time competitors are also called related parties

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

هل تحتاج لمساعدة في كتابة سيرة ذاتية تحتوي على الكلمات الدلالية التي يبحث عنها أصحاب العمل؟