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How long does it take you to finish an article?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Rana Alnajjar , Web developer , Lebcards
تاريخ النشر: 2014/03/29
Iman El-Ashry
من قبل Iman El-Ashry , Freelance Copywriter & Social Media Specialist , Self Employed

Oh well it depends, if I have all the data it could take a day or two. It's acquiring the data that's most critical and it depends on the interviewees/companies you're featuring, their availability, the availability of visuals, fact sheets, information, etc...

Muhammad Hossenbaccus
من قبل Muhammad Hossenbaccus , Rédacteur en Chef/Editor in Chief , Contact Press

Depends on the length of the article. If it's an investigative article, I may take an hour max. If it's an interview a little more than an hour

Samar Saleh
من قبل Samar Saleh , Community Manager , Bayt.com

It depends, If it doesnt need much research I can finish it in a day.

Linda Draskic
من قبل Linda Draskic , journalist, PR&Marketing , Styria

Depends..Do I need to make an interwiev or just collect the informations...I am writing aprox.10 articles per day...Sometimes less, sometimes more

Salma Al-Rayes
من قبل Salma Al-Rayes , Resume/CV's Writing Professional , Online Freelancer

According to the topic itself 

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