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What is Ajax .Net?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Nadia Saleh , Senior Service Dilevery Manager , Bayt.com
تاريخ النشر: 2013/06/12
Muhammad Riaz
من قبل Muhammad Riaz , Technical Officer , Pakistan Telecommunications Company Limited

AJAX in .net is provided by Microsoft in form of a library.There is a library in .net designed for developing Ajax based applications.The size of the library is almost72 MB.when you use .net Ajax this library become the part of your web application.although you can use this library but on the other hand, AJAX based application can be developed using Jquery.Jquery size is91kb.You can see that Ajax .net size is72 MB and Jquery size is91KB .both provide same functionality .choice is up-to you.

bilal shaik

ASP.NET AJAX, mostly called AJAX, is a set of extensions of ASP.NET.
It is developed by Microsoft to implement AJAX functionalities in Web applications.
ASP.NET AJAX provides a set of components that enable the developers to develop applications that can update only a specified portion of data without refreshing the entire page.
The ASP.NET AJAX works with the AJAX Library that uses object-oriented programming (OOP) to develop rich Web applications that communicate with the server using asynchronous postback.

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