ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


You are a PMO manager , Do you coordinate with the HR department in developing career path system in your organization?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Fredy Makram Labib , R&D manager , Universal for home appliances
تاريخ النشر: 2014/03/19

Yes, if necessary

Can intervene occasionally to specify the skills required for some professionals, as well as when they discover that some of the workers have the required level and need to be replaced

Wasim Khalil Mustafa Ali PMP®
من قبل Wasim Khalil Mustafa Ali PMP® , Consultant , Malomatia

PMO manager may help in develop Job descriptions, roles and responsibilities for PMO staff, but not for whole the organization that is not  PMO manager work scope.

Abdalla Mazahreh
من قبل Abdalla Mazahreh , Director / Marketing – MENA & Emerging Markets , Pharma International Company PIC

Yes, major responsbilities I was responsible for as I was involved in setting in my last 3 companies - Bayer, DAD and PIC

Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein
من قبل Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein , Chief Executive Officer & ERP Architect , Egyptian Software Group

Yes I do. One of the main roles of PMO is to identify the shortcomings in the skill sets of the related company's man power and prepare the personal and professional development plans for the staff and coordinate that with the HR department in preparing, implementing, and monitoring the performance of those plans.

Mohamed Arief
من قبل Mohamed Arief , Sr Manager IT Infrastructure, Network,Telephony , Systems , storage ,DR& Data Center , alghanim industries


المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

هل تحتاج لمساعدة في كتابة سيرة ذاتية تحتوي على الكلمات الدلالية التي يبحث عنها أصحاب العمل؟