ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

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How will you handle a situation where you have to make decisions against moral ethics?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Fazal Ebrahim Dawood , Chief Executive Officer , Stardist Ltd
تاريخ النشر: 2014/02/15
Marc Huddleston
من قبل Marc Huddleston , Major Account Director , Harris Corporation


Not trying to be pedantic, but there is a difference between morals and ethics. Ethics and morals both relate to “right” and “wrong” conduct. However, ethics refer to the series of rules provided to an individual by an external source. e.g. their profession. On the other hand, morals refer to an individual’s own principles regarding right and wrong.


With that said, when you are morally tested or ethically tested, you challenge and voice your concerns. Never compromise what you know to be right, policy, law, or acceptable practices. One of the easiest things in life is knowing what’s right, one of the hardest can be doing it. However, personally or professionally, true success is measured by good, stable, moral and ethical practices.


Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein
من قبل Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein , Chief Executive Officer & ERP Architect , Egyptian Software Group

I don't think you should. But you need to understnad what moral ethics are for example it is not a theft if you grap what's not yours to preserve your life. Moral ethics preserves what's good of all rather than what's good for one or a group. Within that context, you should never decide against what's good for all, if I might say.

On the other hand, we make choices (or tested) to achieve an end goal. Everyone proceeds based on his/her end goal.

Hilaluden niazi
من قبل Hilaluden niazi , Interpreter / Foreman I , Alliance Project Service

to make decisions against moral ethics just be honest with your self and the peoples around you . do not make a dicision so fast  just Ask a few questions a but action from people and then  let the people vote and after you can make a good dicision . thanks a lot .

Zayan Ramtulah
من قبل Zayan Ramtulah

Making decisions against moral ethics is IMMORAL and I will never make decisions against moral ethics under any circumstances whatever. As a lawyer, very often, we are approached by parties asking us to defend them in immoral activities and actions. Defending them in such cases is making decisions against moral ethics which is a choice we have to make and for which we will have to answer one day.

Jean Pierre Alain
من قبل Jean Pierre Alain , Executive Group Food & beverages Manager , Sun Hotels Group

Moral ethics is simply moral ethics = the VALUES we believe in and defend, the basis of us as human beings. Never compromise with moral ethics.

Islam Elrobe
من قبل Islam Elrobe , Sales senior manager , blu

  1. Stop and think: This provides several benefits. It prevents rash decisions, prepares us for more thoughtful discernment, and can allow us to mobilize our discipline.
  2. Clarify goals: Before you choose, clarify your short-term and long-term aims. Determine which of your many wants and "don't wants" affected by the decision are the most important. The big danger is that decisions that fullfill immediate wants and needs can prevent the achievement of our more important life goals.
  3. Determine facts: Be sure you have adequate information to support an intelligent choice. To determine the facts, first resolve what you know, then what you need to know. Be prepared for additional information and to verify assumptions and other uncertain information. In addition:Consider the reliability and credibility of the people providing the facts.Consider the basis of the supposed facts. If the person giving you the information says he or she personally heard or saw something, evaluate that person in terms of honesty, accuracy, and memory.
  4. Develop options: Once you know what you want to achieve and have made your best judgment as to the relevant facts, make a list of actions you can take to accomplish your goals. If it's an especially important decision, talk to someone you trust so you can broaden your perspective and think of new choices. If you can think of only one or two choices, you're probably not thinking hard enough.
  5. Consider consequences: Filter your choices to determine if any of your options will violate any core ethical values, and then eliminate any unethical options. Identify who will be affected by the decision and how the decision is likely to affect them.
  6. Choose: Make a decision. If the choice is not immediately clear, try:Talking to people whose judgment you respect.Think of a person of strong character that you know or know of, and ask your self what they would do in your situation.If everyone found out about your decision, would you be proud and comfortable?Follow the Golden Rule: treat others the way you want to be treated, and keep your promises.
  7. Monitor and modify: Ethical decision-makers monitor the effects of their choices. If they are not producing the intended results, or are causing additional unintended and undesirable results, they re-assess the situation and make new decisions.

Adeel Farooq
من قبل Adeel Farooq , CEO , iLead Digital

that situation never happened to me unless some one holds a gun on my head and ask me to make a decision like that OR the rewards are big enough to digest my morals.. 

Oomar Elias
من قبل Oomar Elias , Chief Operation Officer , Private Equity Banking

Moral ethics are a set of established values and principles governing virtuous behavior and you cannot make decisions against moral ethics if you respect yourself.

من قبل SMARAGDI FILIPPAKOPOULOU , Secretary , Public sector (temporary job)

I believe that noone can escape from itself. One's personality consists of beliefs, morals, ethics, opinions, characteristics etc. So if you are forced to make a decision against your sense of moral then you get to regret it constantly. I do not see the reason to do so, only in cases of terrible disasters when surviving is the No1 thing in your mind. 

Nisar Khan
من قبل Nisar Khan , Sr.Buyer " Fashion Retail-Textile" , Fawaz Abdullaziz Al Hokair & Co.

Before acting in regard to an ethical problem, you should collect and weigh all the evidence you can obtain. Speak individually to all those directly involved with the issue. Take notes on what each person says. Look for discrepancies in accounts, and seek to discern what is true. It is necessary to consider the consequences involved in the handling of an issue and what would be fair treatment in its resolution before you can make a determination as to how to handle a particular ethical quandary.

Nisar khan-merchandiser/ buyer

محمد صالح بن جحلان
من قبل محمد صالح بن جحلان , إدارة العلاقات الحكومية والميناء , مؤسسة إنجاز الفنار للمقاولات والتشغيل والصيانة

Deal commensurate with the situation, according to the organization's system

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

هل تحتاج لمساعدة في كتابة سيرة ذاتية تحتوي على الكلمات الدلالية التي يبحث عنها أصحاب العمل؟