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How can you use online forums to market your business?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Samar Saleh , Community Manager , Bayt.com
تاريخ النشر: 2014/02/12
Jose Miguel Lucas Martins
من قبل Jose Miguel Lucas Martins , IT Director - Robotic Process Automation (RPA) , Novo Banco

Use the forums to communicate with your potential customers and to generate good feedback ("buzz") about your product or brand

Shahzore Ali
من قبل Shahzore Ali , Senior Project Manager -- Website and Mobile application , Techstirr Pvt Ltd

There are several steps need to be taken for forum marketing. First need to make a decision that you are doing marketing with software or manually.


If you choose Software then most of the pre-requisite like content, link, keywords like anchor tags you need to put it by yourself in text file.


IF you are manually then your work is like10 times more. 


First you need to read the forum policies.


Secondly do searching with in forums in order to like or comment on another people post.


Third step mostly forum take7-10 days period to allow you for posting new threads and signatures or marketing stuff.


Still forums have their own worth if you utilized them effectively then you can get your desired results easily.


I have my answer will help you in your work.

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