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Why Transformer Rating is in kVA, not in KW?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل muhammad arif , Assistant Engineer , Phoenix armour
تاريخ النشر: 2013/11/23
muhammad arif
من قبل muhammad arif , Assistant Engineer , Phoenix armour

There are two type of losses in a transformer;1. Copper Losses2. Iron Losses or Core Losses or  Insulation Losses Copper losses ( I²R)depends on Current which passing through transformer winding while Iron Losses or Core Losses or  Insulation Losses depends on Voltage. Thats why the rating of Transformer in kVA,Not in kW. 

ahmed ali faris
من قبل ahmed ali faris , electromechanical manger , I Engineering Co.

Because the output power of transformer are Active and reactive power



Safi Ullah
من قبل Safi Ullah , Electrical Trainee Engineer , PESCO (Peshawar Electric Supply Company)

Transformer rating is in KVA because transformer deals only with current and voltage, but the input power is equal to the output power.

Aftab Ahmed
من قبل Aftab Ahmed , Senior Engineer- Technical Service and Coordination Department , Pakistan Oilfields Ltd (POL)

Electrical Source is Usually rated in KVA. (Transformer is a Source)

Electrical Loads are usually rated in KW / Hp. (Motor is a Load)


Power Factor  when remained controlled (Around Unity). Power in KVA to be utilized by the Loads remains equal to rated Power KW / HP rating of Loads.


When Power Factor Decreases , KVA demand increases. As Voltages to remain same, Hence unwanted Current increases in the system & which may lead to unwanted Tripping or Burnouts in the systems.


So all Electrical Engineers & Technicians beware of Power factor of your Supervised Electrical Systems.

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