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How create a web app like Treehouse or Udemy?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Hillary Alba , Web Developer , Web Studio
تاريخ النشر: 2021/12/08
Venessa Hickson
من قبل Venessa Hickson , Mobile Application Developer , Mobile studio

E-learning platform can be said to be the revolutionary solution to the traditional way of education developed with the help of Digital means. E-learning platform along with the students also helps experts in a particular field to earn a royalty income with online course development. Some of the major benefits e-learning apps and websites offer to learners in comparison to traditional means are

· Self-paced learning opportunity

· Studying at own time

· Guidance from Experts in the field

· Comparatively cheaper than traditional education

· Learning from the comfort of home

· Can choose the course based on the particular skill one would like to develop

It is important to note the benefits and the popular courses offered by e-learning platforms before understanding How to develop an e-learning app like Udemy as it will help you in evaluating your target audience's needs better.

How to Develop an E-learning Website and App

The development process of e-learning platforms or any application development in that matter is driven by its basic need to the features a user would prefer or love in the platform. So the first step is to decide on the features you would like to implement in the platform.

Basic Features of E-learning Platforms

1. Accessibility across devices

Now day’s smartphones can achieve most of the work that one used to require a PC or laptop. Also, depending on the place a user is, their preference to use a laptop or smartphone might vary depending on the comfort and other factors. So the basic necessity of the user is to access the platform with their login credentials across various devices.

2. Certificate of Completion

Along with the development of skills a user requires hard proof which they can showcase to their employers or in future interviews. So this hard proof of completion certificate should be provided to the users only after the course is completed.

3. Access to course reviews and ratings

Before a user purchases the selected course on the e-learning platform they should be able to access authentic reviews to make a purchase decision. The rating and review parameter should be developed in such a way that only the user who completed the course should be able to post the review to avoid any fake postings.

4. Detailed Information regarding the Instructor

The user should be made available with complete profile details of the instructor along with expertise and experience that makes them the best instructor for a particular skill.

5. Temporary or Permanent Access to Course

This is one of the features that would impact the maintenance cost of the platform as offering lifetime access to particular users results in high Server and data storage costs. So decide on the access time for the user from its course purchase time.

6. Payment Integration

The user should be offered multiple ways in which they could make payments on the platform for course purchases. Make sure the payment system integration is fast and error-free as it can especially destroy the value of the platform.

Based on the above feature requirements your dedicated app developer or agency will be able to help you in developing an e-learning web app like Treehouse or Udemy.

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