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How do I SEO for an E-Commerce website?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Diesel Brian , Mobile App Developer , Mobile Studio
تاريخ النشر: 2021/11/27
Evan Parker
من قبل Evan Parker

There's a pretty detailed answer already, and I'm sure that it can help entrepreneurs like you figure out what SEO is in the first place. People who have at least a vague idea about this subject understand how beneficial it is to use tools like https://seranking.com/position-tracking.html in order to track the rank and check the rankings of competitors and then improve the performance of your website. I believe that using such software is just what you need since you're wondering how to do SEO for an e-commerce website.

Hillary Alba
من قبل Hillary Alba , Web Developer , Web Studio

If you want to get more traffic and sales to your eCommerce website, then on-page SEO is a critical first step.

There’s a multitude of how-to articles and tutorials on the web offering general SEO advice, but far fewer that specifically address the needs of eCommerce entrepreneurs.

Today, I like to give you a basic understanding of on-site search engine optimization for eCommerce. It will be enough to get you started, make sure you’re sending all the right signals to Google, and set you up for SEO success.

Let’s dive in.

Ecommerce SEO Checklist: Best Practices for Your Ecommerce SEO Strategy

Let’s look at some of the best tips for eCommerce sites that are lacking in the SEO space. If you want people to find your products more easily, you need an eCommerce SEO strategy, and checking each item off your list will make your strategy more effective.

Use the Right Keywords

Yes, keywords still matter. You don’t want to overload your product titles and descriptions with these keywords, but they need to be present in the copy.

Mention your primary keyword in your product headline, description, meta description, image alternate attributes, and subheadlines. Sprinkle latent semantic index (LSI) keywords throughout. These are related keywords that help Google understand your page in context.

Analyze the Keyword Search Volume, CPC, and User Intent

Before you use a keyword, do some research on it. Know how often people search for it (keyword search volume), how competitive it is in the paid advertising space (cost-per-click, or CPC), and what people are looking for when they use that keyword.

Conduct Competitor Research

If you have no clue where to start with on-site optimization for your eCommerce site, then your competitors are your best bet. Larger competitors, in particular, have probably already put in the legwork for optimizing their websites, and you can learn many of their secrets on their websites themselves.

Keywords are the thing you need to focus on. Particularly, you’ll want to analyse the keywords on their homepages as well as their top product pages.

How can you tell if a website is optimizing for a particular keyword? You can start by using the Moz browser extension to see the SEO title and description your competitors use in their title tags.

Focus on Homepage SEO

The homepage is typically where most businesses focus their SEO budget and energy. While it is definitely one of the top pages of your website to optimize, it is by no means the only one you should focus on.

That said, you do want to optimize your homepage well. The key things you want to add and optimize are included the following.

·         Homepage Title Tag

·         Homepage Meta Description

·         Homepage Content

Simplify Your Site Architecture

As you are adding products and categories to your store, remember that site architecture plays an important role in search optimization. Particularly, you want to have a distinct hierarchy of navigation, from your homepage to product categories to the products listed within them.

Search engine bots will discover your pages and products on your website based on a clear internal linking structure that is easy to follow — and not too deep.

The rule of thumb for search engines and visitors is to make sure people can reach everything within three clicks. From the homepage, they should only have to make a maximum of three clicks to get to any product on your website.

Optimize Product Pages

Product pages are the lifeblood of your business, so you will want to focus a lot of your energy on optimizing them. Many eCommerce store owners simply write a few lines of text about each product and throw up an image or video.

You need more information on your product pages so Google can find them. Here are the specific things you want to work on.

Use Responsive Design

People do considerable shopping on mobile these days. Using a responsive design for your eCommerce website can not only lead to a better user experience but also improve search results. Google’s mobile-first index uses mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal.

Reduce Page Load Speed

Page load speed is also a ranking signal, both for desktop and mobile. The faster your pages load, the better Google will rank you.

How do you decrease page load speed? Focus on subtracting as many unnecessary elements from your page as possible. For instance, a huge background image that’s mostly covered by a white body column might not be necessary. Similarly, remove any plugins or add-ons that don’t contribute to your eCommerce business’s bottom line.

Create Backlinks for Ecommerce SEO

Backlinks are another ranking signal Google uses to determine where your pages belong in the SERPs. The more backlinks you have from high-quality sites, the more authoritative your site becomes.

Building backlinks for eCommerce sites don’t have to be difficult. Guest posting on blogs related to your niche is one easy, white-hat way to build links. Simply email the owners of the blogs you’re interested in and offer them three or more ideas for potential guest posts

Many ecommerce business owners want to jump straight to increasing conversions. That’s the right mindset, but you’re a step ahead.

You have to get people to your site before you can convert them on your offers. Beginning with eCommerce SEO sets you up for success.

To make your work easy you can rely on WebClues Infotech — A foremost eCommerce app development company for the overall eCommerce development from web design to SEO. They have a dedicated team of developers and SEO experts that helps you to grow your website. Contact them to know more!

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