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What programing languages should I use to create a social media app similar to Instagram?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Shannon Sullivan , Full Stack Developer , Full Time Developer
تاريخ النشر: 2021/02/22
Emily  Mcgee
من قبل Emily Mcgee , Web Developer , Freelancer

The programming language that should be used to create a social media app similar to Instagram is a subjective decision depending on the developer. The developer based on the requirement to be fulfilled within the app and their expertise chooses the best programming language for Instagram like App Development.


Even though the Instagram app is developed in Python (DJango), if you ask today’s experienced developers they would prefer Java over Python due to the flexibility and performance efficiency. So based on my experience I would suggest you to use Java, Kotlin and Swift for Android and iOS App respectively.


Apart from above technology you should posses knowledge on the below mentioned tech as well.

 How to create an app like Instagram and know how much it cost?

Hope it helps.

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