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What resources should I use to learn how to develop a social networking mobile app like Foursquare, Twitter, Instagram from scratch?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Melanie Blake , Full Stack Web Developer , web developer
تاريخ النشر: 2021/02/13
Faith Wallace
من قبل Faith Wallace , Web Developer , We Develop

There are whole lots of free and paid resources available on the internet that can help you with the complete development process, but surely there would be no resource that would help you with all the activities from A-Z. So developing such a huge app requires persistence and gathering of different resources to accumulate it for a single purpose.

The cycle that should be followed to develop an app like Instagram or any other is mentioned below.


1. Gather the list of resources or skills required

Before starting any app development work it is important to list out the resources and skills that would be required to develop an app like Instagram. For that, you can refer to articles on topics such as How to develop an app like Instagram as it will help you with the list of resources required.


2. Find e-learning platforms to learn the required skills


3. Arrange Resources

Once you have carried out the above steps you will most probably be able to develop a social network app.

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