ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


For security reasons, this option is not available. It minimizes the risk of forgery.?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Ruby Khan , Buying Coordinator , Landmark Group
تاريخ النشر: 2020/09/07
ahmed alashmawy
من قبل ahmed alashmawy , مهندس معماري , شركة دمك الاعمار للتشيد والبناء / مؤسسه تكوين المسكن

  1. لأسباب أمنية، هذا الخيار غير متاح. إنه يقلل من خطر التزوير.

ممدوح سالم
من قبل ممدوح سالم , مدير القضايا والتحقيقات , مصلحة الضرائب المصرية وزارة المالية المصرية

 and by using technology to your benefit, to minimise the risks of identity theft and business embezzlement. Analyse your current processes and assess whether you can implement some changes for improved security. Consider getting the advice of a dedicated IT professional and potentially delegating aspects of your security management to the expert. Get as many of your systems and processes automated as possible.

Being in business today does mean taking care of so many important aspects, and not all of them are within your control. We all know that small business owners have to understand and manage the whole spectrum of business from setup, to finance, to marketing, to sales, to staff management and government compliance obligations. If you take the time to implement some security measures now, the less time you will spend on managing unexpected disasters.

Taking these steps will free up your energy and time so you can continue focusing on what you are good at, what you love doing and the reasons you are in business.

Samia  Sulieman Ahmed Mubarak  Samia Kurdi
من قبل Samia Sulieman Ahmed Mubarak Samia Kurdi , مراجع حسابات , ديوان المراجعة القومي - السودان

Legal awareness must be spread in society and the danger of this phenomenon to the state, society, the national economy and the individual must be introduced

Marwan Siaour
من قبل Marwan Siaour , محاسب عام , الخالدية فارما

I don't know what is required of this question.

Ahmed Mabrouk
من قبل Ahmed Mabrouk , Accountant And Receptionist , REAL ESTAEA

Yes, the message "For security reasons, this option is not available. It minimizes the risk of forgery" is often used to prevent users from accessing certain features or information that could be used to commit fraud or other crimes. For example, a bank might disable the ability to reset a password via email if it believes that the account has been compromised, in order to prevent the attacker from gaining access to the account.

In the case of forgery, this message is used to prevent users from creating or modifying documents that could be used to commit fraud. For example, a government agency might disable the ability to edit birth certificates if it believes that the document is being used to commit identity theft.

By disabling certain features or information, organizations can help to minimize the risk of forgery and other crimes.

Here are some other reasons why an option might be unavailable for security reasons:

  • To prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.
  • To protect against data breaches.
  • To comply with regulations.
  • To protect against cyber attacks.

If you see the message "For security reasons, this option is not available", it is important to understand why the option is disabled. In some cases, you may be able to request access to the option if you can provide a legitimate reason for needing it. However, in other cases, the option may be disabled permanently.


Anwar Mohammed
من قبل Anwar Mohammed , Ofice Administrator , British embassy Khartoum

Apologies for any confusion. You are correct. Counting at the ending period, or conducting a final count, is a security measure that minimizes the risk of forgery and helps ensure the accuracy of the count. By performing the count at the end, any discrepancies or potential fraud can be identified and addressed promptly, enhancing security and trust in the process.

Mohammed Bouzana
من قبل Mohammed Bouzana , مدير مكتب ومحاسب , شركة بابيلون للسياحة والأسفار

I apologize for the confusion. If the option to include corresponding figures or provide comparative financial statements is not available for security reasons, it may indeed be a measure taken to minimize the risk of forgery or unauthorized manipulation of the financial statements.

By excluding corresponding figures or limiting the presentation of comparative financial statements, it becomes more difficult for individuals to alter or forge financial information from previous periods. This helps maintain the integrity and reliability of the financial statements and reduces the potential for fraudulent activities.

Financial statement presentation and disclosure practices may vary based on the specific regulations, industry standards, and internal policies followed by an organization. These practices are often designed to enhance transparency, accuracy, and accountability in financial reporting while minimizing the risk of fraudulent activities or unauthorized alterations.

Hussein Mustafa
من قبل Hussein Mustafa , محاسب مالي و إداري , الشهد للاستيراد و التصدير

However, in general, the statement "For security reasons, this option is not available. It minimizes the risk of forgery" suggests that a particular option or feature may have been removed or restricted in order to prevent fraudulent activity or unauthorized access. This is a common practice in many industries, including finance, healthcare, and government, where security and privacy are of utmost importance. By limiting access to certain features or information, organizations can reduce the risk of forgery, identity theft, and other forms of fraud.

Ahmed Ben
من قبل Ahmed Ben , محاسب عام , لارسن آند توبرو

نعم. انا مهتم بهذا العمل إن شاء الله 

Abdulrasheed Olalekan  Titilope
من قبل Abdulrasheed Olalekan Titilope , Accountant , Lizzy catering services


in the case of financial transactions, some options such as modifying or cancelling a transaction may not be available or may require additional authentication or approval. This is to ensure that only authorized personnel are able to make changes to financial transactions and to minimize the potential for fraud or error

Abdel-Samie Mohamed Abdel-Samie Abo-Zaid
من قبل Abdel-Samie Mohamed Abdel-Samie Abo-Zaid , Treasury Manager , Water & Environment Technologies Co. Ltd.

Yes, the message "For security reasons, this option is not available. It minimizes the risk of forgery" is often used to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information. For example, this message may be displayed when you try to log in to a website or online account with incorrect credentials. By preventing unauthorized access, this message helps to minimize the risk of forgery, which is the act of creating or altering a document or other object in order to deceive someone.

There are a number of ways to prevent forgery, including:

  • Using strong passwords and security questions
  • Enabling two-factor authentication
  • Keeping your software up to date
  • Being aware of phishing scams

By taking these steps, you can help to protect yourself from forgery and other security threats.

Here are some additional information about forgery:

  • Forgery is a crime that can have serious consequences.
  • Forgery can be used to commit other crimes, such as fraud and identity theft.
  • Forgery can be difficult to detect, so it is important to take steps to prevent it.

If you suspect that you have been the victim of forgery, you should contact the authorities immediately.


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