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How long does it take to build a site like Udemy or Coursera?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Chester Foster , Full Stack Developer , Data Exim IT
تاريخ النشر: 2020/08/10
Hector Lamb
من قبل Hector Lamb , Full Stack Developer , Web Devoloper

To be clear even though udemy and coursera are e-learning platforms they are very much different from each other and also has different content and user base so each of them requires a different time for development.

Let us list out points by taking Udemy a skill based platform as our reference point which would help us in estimating a time required for development.

1. Feature


2Payment Gateway 


4. Technology 

Considering the average time it takes for developing the e-learning platform you can consider approximately 480 hours with a 5 member team as mentioned below

· Frontend Developer

· Backend Developer

· UI/UX Developer

· Quality Analyst

· Project Manager

Please note that the time estimation given is approximate as it might change based on the choices you make during the development stage.

To know more about various aspects in e-learning platform you should read this blog - Cost to build an app like Udemy /Lynda | eLearning App Udemy & Lynda.

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