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What is the best online course for learning AJAX?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Yasmeen Husam , Web Developer , Al Fahid Systems
تاريخ النشر: 2019/01/20
youssouf touhami
من قبل youssouf touhami , Chief Service Management Information- IT Department , NAFTAL

You can get lots of Ajax Courses free from you searched for ajax by googling sites like: https://www.udacity.com/course/intro-to-ajax--ud110

Or learn AJAX with PHP from Scratch using jQuery. 

Or Ajax and jQuery beginners tutorials - YouTube *channel 


Adam Ahmed
من قبل Adam Ahmed , IT & Web Developer , Freelance

Basm allah alrahman alrahim


I think Udemy website has a lot of AJAX courses



Adeel Rauf
من قبل Adeel Rauf , Freelancer

Yasmeen, I'm a fan of Brad Traversy of Traversy Media. He is basically a php line of developer. He explain things nicely and practically that makes us understand with practical experience. Here is a link on AJAX:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82hnvUYY6QABy the way I can explain you ajax, you can contact me by whatsapp or email.Thanks

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