ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

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Is Islamic banking truly Islamic, or is it just cosmetically-enhanced conventional banking? And what future Islamic finance waits for?

Is Islamic banking truly Islamic, or is it just cosmetically-enhanced conventional banking?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Youssef Abdul khalek , Full time Finance Instructor/Coordinator/ and supervisor , Lebanese International University (LIU)
تاريخ النشر: 2017/10/18
fraz riaz
من قبل fraz riaz , Relationship Manager Corporate Banking , Askari bank ltd

as a theme of islamic banking that has no doubts but there is difference in practices that need to improve with time,

Joehariza Zakaria
من قبل Joehariza Zakaria , VP, Global Markets , MBSB Bank

Islamic banking is differentiated from conventional banking through the application of shariah compliant product concept and contract, business process, disclosure and operating module. Those component enables the establishment of policies, guidelines and standards that governs the operation and control of islamic banking. The process to established the said governance is rigorous. Each islamic bank is guided by a panel of shariah scholars and deliberate and discuss each components and ensure it is in-line with the shariah.

The above practise makes islamic banking a highly regulated industry and not merely copying conventional banking. Apart from complying to regulator's requirement which also applies to conventional banking, islamic banks would need to observe additional compliance to their shariah council. However, such controls have not dampen the development of islamic banking. Shariah councils of banks are willing to explore various definitions put forward by many earlier shariah scholars and not limiting themselves to a single definition have enable islamic banking to flourish.


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