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What is the benefit or replacing normal bread and rice with brown bread and brown rice?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Salma Eid , Dietitian/Nutritionist , Muscle Power Sports, Nutrition Centre
تاريخ النشر: 2017/01/24
Rosalie Santualla
من قبل Rosalie Santualla , Food Service Dietitian , Burjeel Hospital

Brown rice and brown bread are high in minerals and vitamins and fiber it is really good than the white bread or rice because it is high in glycemic load and it is rrally helpful for those witn Diabetes and on reducing diet. 

el-sayed abdeen
من قبل el-sayed abdeen , Q.C and development manager , alrai food industies KSA

rown bread contains a high proportion of vitamin «B-1» is necessary for the representation of food energy, in addition to its high fiber content, which works on the organization of the gut's ability to absorb sugars, there rises the insulin level in the blood, giving a sense of hunger, and the fiber have the ability to keep the amounts of water into the stomach, which leaves the body moisturizer for a longer period and raise blood sugar levels, which speeds up the sense of hunger, the pasta consisting of whole grains more useful and rich in fiber.

Brown rice: each cup of it contains 3.5 grams of fiber.

 Brown bread: It is also rich in fiber because it is a component of whole-wheat kernels.


Brown in the name itself it got something in it compared to white i.e nothing missing like full particles removed. So the fiber is an important nutrient for the human body for proper digestion and the bowel movements So always use the brown cereals and rice to replace with the white ones to maintain your family healthy......

dalal alharbi
من قبل dalal alharbi

Eating foods that contain whole grains such as brown rice and brown bread and oatmeal contributes to reducing the amount of fat in the body as it is easy to digest and contribute to solving the problems of constipation,

Brown bread contains a high proportion of vitamin «B-1» is necessary for the representation of food energy, in addition to its high fiber content, which works on the organization of the gut's ability to absorb sugars, there rises the insulin level in the blood, giving a sense of hunger, and the fiber have the ability to keep the amounts of water into the stomach, which leaves the body moisturizer for a longer period and raise blood sugar levels, which speeds up the sense of hunger, the pasta consisting of whole grains more useful and rich in fiber.

Brown rice: each cup of it contains 3.5 grams of fiber.

 Brown bread: It is also rich in fiber because it is a component of whole-wheat kernels.

Whole grain - Whole grains are very important in the course of feeding the elderly, it may help reduce the risk of certain cancers and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It recommended eating bread, pasta and rice from whole grains instead of white wheat. It also recommended to add oatmeal to a meal of meat. Whole grains are subject to fewer processing stages, so the nutritional value is very high .

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