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What is the difference between fixed assets and noncurrent assets?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Rana Alnajjar , Web developer , Lebcards
تاريخ النشر: 2016/12/05
Wilfredo Quito
من قبل Wilfredo Quito , Accounting Manager , DDC LAND INC.

Thank you for your kindness invitation.

I agree with all previous answers.


Ashraf E. Mahmoud (PhD)
من قبل Ashraf E. Mahmoud (PhD) , University Lecturer, Freelancer Consultant and Trainer for Int'l Business & Banking TF. , FreeLancer

Thanks for invitation,

Fixed assets: are one of several categories of non current assets, which are usually reported on the balance sheet as "Property".

Whereas, Non Current Assets:

Assets other than current assets, or those are assets which are expected to generate economic benefits over more than one year, ( for example: long rem investments,   Intangible assets, differed Payment,...).

Nazmul Islam CMA
من قبل Nazmul Islam CMA , Manager , Robi Axiatal Ltd.

Fixed asset generally refers to the property, plant & equipment. Whereas non current assets include the long term investment, intangible assets, deferred charges along with other fixed assets.

Ahmed mohsen
من قبل Ahmed mohsen , Senior Accountant , Main Poly Clinic

Fixed assets, also known as property, plant and equipment (PP&E), are tangible assetsthat a company expects to use for more than one accounting period. They are part of the non-current assets of an entity, and are different from cash and other current assets that will be used up within the accounting period

manseer muhammed ali
من قبل manseer muhammed ali , Accountant General , Royal Lighting L.L.C & Royal Furnishing LLC

Fixed assets are usually reported on the balance sheet as property, plant and equipment. In addition to property, plant and equipment, the other categories of noncurrent assets include long-term investments, intangible assets, deferred charges, and other noncurrent assets.

Soliman Abd  ALmalak Gendy
من قبل Soliman Abd ALmalak Gendy , مدير ادارة مراقبة حسابات , الجهاز المركزى للمحاسبات

Fixed assets are are reported on the balance sheet as property, plant &equipment *Non current assets including long term investors, intangible assets, deferred charges

Abdullah Aziz Eldain Morsi  Elgendy -        CMA  Candidate
من قبل Abdullah Aziz Eldain Morsi Elgendy - CMA Candidate , Regional Receivable Accountant , Amiantit Group of Companies

non  current assets  include  the fixed assets , long term investments t


  you can say   non current assets include   many  

  categories beside  fixed assets

حمادة فوزي جمعة عشماوي
من قبل حمادة فوزي جمعة عشماوي , مراجع حسابات الشركة , مؤسسة عاج العربية للمقاولات والصيانة

      Fixed assets are assets that are acquired for the purpose of continuity and not for saleCurrent assets are assets that can be easily converted into cash or in cash and clearFixed assets are non-current assets

Mohamed Azmy
من قبل Mohamed Azmy , Regional Accounting Manager , YAS Holding

Fixed assets is another term of non-current assets

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

هل تحتاج لمساعدة في كتابة سيرة ذاتية تحتوي على الكلمات الدلالية التي يبحث عنها أصحاب العمل؟