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Email marketing Vs mobile advertising: which do you think is better for the modern days?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Zain Khater , Project Supervisor – StartUp Project , Injaz
تاريخ النشر: 2016/10/12

Mobile advertising is more useful to reach a bigger audience because everyone technically owns a mobile phone. But the purpose of mobile advertising, or advertising in  general is to get customers from your ads. In my opinion, constant mobile advertisements tend to annoy mobile users. So mobile advertising is good for coverage of a wide audience, but I believe e-mail advertising is more effective when acquiring new customers. 

Hiddayat Khan
من قبل Hiddayat Khan , Supervisor , ACCEM Corporation

Sure Mobile Advertising. Because via mobile advertising we can reach everyone.  

Jaafar Yassine
من قبل Jaafar Yassine

Mobile advertising is better hands down, everyone uses mobile phones these days, not everybody use Email, and most of those who do (and i'm one of them) don't even open or read advertisement mails.

Wamzaha Khan
من قبل Wamzaha Khan , Web and Social Media Specialist , Venus Accessories

I believe its mobile marketing. The best way to reach out people is through mobile.

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