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What are some of the best low-cost business ideas to start in the Arab world?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Zain Khater , Project Supervisor – StartUp Project , Injaz
تاريخ النشر: 2016/08/22
Augustine G Gill
من قبل Augustine G Gill , Business Development Director , HASHMANIS GROUP OF HOSPITALS KARACHI

Dear Ms Khater,

Greetings from Karachi Pakistan!

Million thanks for invitation.

Some of the best low-cost business ideas to startup in the Arab world can be based on research after identification of these "UNMET NEEDS".

Get into it & be sensitive to your surrounding for unmet needs.

Read how Uber & airbnb low cost startup business ideas of unmet needs become "UNICORN" business more than Billion $ in very short time on global basis.

Uber does not own single cab yet world leader cab provider (low cost).


Airbnb does not own single inch of land yet world leader in property businesses (low)


Read also Pakistan's top low cost startup business ideas of unmet needs.


Needless to mention need is mother of invention. 


Idris Bhuiya Akil
من قبل Idris Bhuiya Akil , Operation Supervisor , Noria Pastry

Well I was about to ask a very similar question, thanks for asking anyway.

I have some genuine ideas that could be turned into some serious business how ever I will only mention few that possibly requires low cost. I also haven't been in the middle east yet so sorry if my proposed ideas sounds irrelevant.


In my opinion,

1) Consultant firm of any kind, education, job, business advice, holiday & travel agency.

2) Coffee shop business, if you are successful like other brands and chain coffee shop you can expand it as well.

3) Franchise or Brand Retailer, such as retailing only Samsung or Apple products.

4) Restaurants / Fine dinning.

5) Fashion Retailing, You can source garments from China, India & Bangladesh at low cost but you can choose brand from Europe or America.

6) IT Coaching Centre, IELTS training Centre.

7) Internet Services provider.

8) Automobile Maintenance & servicing centre.

9) Stationary & office supplies.

) Consumer Electronics & servicing Centre.

) Book store.

) Accessories retailing. 


Well I hope few of these ideas you will find useful, if you know any serious investor in GCC ask them to get in touch with me :P.




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